Sunday, December 4, 2011

What happened on 031211.

1. It was Saturday. Had a good sleep the night before so I decided to go freshen up. And KLCC was chosen.

2. Loitering around is always easy but tiring, and this gets worse when I didn’t find my cup of tea on handbags as well as jeans.

3. Bought a top and a pashmina - out of my list. Argh.

4. I should start having milk in my everyday diet. My bones are cracking especially the ankles and fingers on the feet.

5. Salesmen of Isetan were I guess, charming, physically I mean. Was it a trick of the store to get more people attracted? I’d say it was.

6. Nobody wants to be sinned. But temptations are always there. And I failed to control myself. I feel bad. Isk.

7. Heard a conversation. Men change when they’re married? No more sweet talking, less understanding, tired of everything. Perhaps, patience sounds so bizarre to their ears as they only know to get mad easily. On whom? The wife, of course. One of numerous things I could not tolerate is, when a woman gets bullied. Gender-biased phenomena is still in our society? Pathetic.

"There's a side of me I wouldnt want you to know."

SO. 051211. 0019. Kajang, Selangor.

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