Tuesday, August 3, 2010

its the third day of August when I realized I havent blogged for quite a few days already. Time flies in the blink of eyes and tonnes of works are waiting to be done. Proposal for final year project needs to be submitted next week and my supervisor wanted to check the introduction part this Friday. Yes, now is already Tuesday and I havent finished writing that yet. I predicted that thesis-making is complicated but I have no clues that it'd be like damn hard! Every single statement or fact needs a proof. For example, termites are believed to be the earliest-evolving social insects, with their complex societies (Korb et. al 2007). You have to mention the sources of the information where it is taken from.

All Muslims in the world are welcoming Ramadhan in a week's time but I've started fasting since last week. Yeah, last year's debt. hukkk ;P

I had a glass of iced coffee in about 30 mins ago, but apparently the caffeine in it wasnt sufficient enuf to get my eyes widely open. They are not even half alert. I'm not sure about this but it seems like every single meal I had contained drugs. I feel sleepy and fatigue even though I do nothing really tiring at the moment.

I'm addicted to Lady Gaga's Monster for the time being. So why not u guys have ur ears on it? ;D

Shafura Onn. 0004. 040810. Kolej Ungku Omar, UKM Bangi.


  1. kopi sejuk mana ada effect da...panas baru la ada 'kick'. hahaha...

    p/s: aq bwat blogspot. mls nak repek kat FB da. haha...

  2. ouh really? xtau daa. pasni ak telan kopi panas. haha ;)

    haaaa good! ur address pls! :D

  3. haha... http://kuro-mito.blogspot.com
