Its about 2 and a half days for 2009 countdown and these are my new year resolutions.
1) Enjoy my days to the fullest and instead of thinking -ve thoughts, i should really care bout things that can make my world merry-go-round!
2) I'm in charge of controlling my mood so that i can be happy at all time.
3) Find an attractive guy who has-it-all-i-need qualities..hikhik
4) Buy N76 gadget.
5) Get the fear off driving. and start lying my hands on the stereng! vroom.vroom! i'm on wheels! weeee~
6) Achieve better grades in exams.
lol,shafura onn
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
going green is the new pink!
Feel like mixing east and west elements in penning out? here's how.
i celebrated x'mas with ezny- we went shopping some stuff as we're going back to kl this weekend. we had lunch in pizza hut-we ordered a regular island supreme pizza and we added on a lasagna. but surprisingly, my stomach got full after eating 2 pieces of pizza and a few bites of lasagna. i asked the waiter to pack the leftovers coz my sister was craving for that Italian food. he packed it in a paper bag, we paid the bill and went out of the sardine-like stomach filler.
we went up and down,right to left,back and forth to find things we were looking for. and out of the sudden, i decided to hv a look at the plastic bags. i found out that the pizza was on top of the lasagna-the paper bag didnt hv a square base,so the hardened pizza(masuk angin da time tu) crushed on the lasagna and it went all over the bag! bende tu penyek, melekat-lekat and da xde rpe lasagna! bengang btol! waiter tu sengal la..da tawu lasagna tu lembik,dye ltk kt bawah,kne hempap ng pizza plak tuh. what worst was that the double were being put in a paper bag! np la x letak dlm kotak?? they ran out of boxes ke tyme tuh?? huh. that bag went into a bin eventually.
i went back and told my sister what had happened. pity eQa..dye nk sgt makan bende alah tuh..but she went out too that day. siap mkn kt season lg...huhu and start from today onwards, my dislike dishes would include lasagna. i discovered that the moment i saw it became a mess. actually mse kt pizza lg i knew that i wasnt born to like that quisine. after da tgk bnde tu jd benyek lg la xmao mkn...
ok. enuf of food. one of the things i bought yesterday was a pair of contact lens. the ones i'm having rite now are already more than 2 months' old and they need to be disposed. i'm supposed to use it for 30 days only.
can u guess its colour??
now is a story about my sister-eQa pendex...she registered a driving class lesson and passed her theory exam last week. she was on top of the world and very anxious to go on the road! she even asked a new pair of shoes from my mom! she said this-"ma,eqa ne de kasut..kasut puteh tu x seswai..nk bli kasut celup je.." nk blaja drive pon nk kasut baru! ngade2 dye tuh...hehe my mom gave her 50 bucks and she bought an evelast kinda sport shoes..80 bucks! dye tmbh duet s'dri..huhu da la susah cri saiz! kt silver planet mse tuh xde saiz dye..then dye nmpk de mamat cute kt kedai sebelah..sanggup g sne pastu tnye2 mamat tuh..hikhik sengal! mmg cute dak tuh tp he's not tall..i'm taller than him..huuu but still xde gak saiz dye..finally,dye bli kasut tuh kt cs..the green ones.
these are questions which she keeps on asking me since she knows how to handle a stereng. eh! actually since nk amek theory exam..
1) puwaaa..kaw pasti ke soklan tu sme kuar dr buku 500 soklan nih??
2) puwaaa..mse kaw dlu, kete dye burok ea?? xde air-cond? abes tuh klau ujan cmne??
3) puwaaa..klau kt simpang kn, kte kne tekan brek,pastuh benti, free gear..kan kan??
4) puwaaa..gear ade bape? cmne kte nk tawu kte tgh gear bp??
5) puwaaa..ble mse nk tukar gear??
6) puwaaa..parking pusing stereng 4 kali kn?pastu reverse smpai nmpk tiang no
7) puwaaa..mse kaw dlu org tukang ajar tu pegangkn stereng ea?aku pegang sket2 je..
everytime she asked, i'd sigh and she said this-" yg last!"...hahahhaa sengal dye! not enuf of asking me, she even serves question marks to my father! since my mom doesnt know how to drive..klau x mama pon jd mgse...wuuuhuuu
hmmm..u guys wonder what's the relation btwn the header and the content of this post? and what differs this post from others? it's bilingual.
lol,shafura onn
i celebrated x'mas with ezny- we went shopping some stuff as we're going back to kl this weekend. we had lunch in pizza hut-we ordered a regular island supreme pizza and we added on a lasagna. but surprisingly, my stomach got full after eating 2 pieces of pizza and a few bites of lasagna. i asked the waiter to pack the leftovers coz my sister was craving for that Italian food. he packed it in a paper bag, we paid the bill and went out of the sardine-like stomach filler.
we went up and down,right to left,back and forth to find things we were looking for. and out of the sudden, i decided to hv a look at the plastic bags. i found out that the pizza was on top of the lasagna-the paper bag didnt hv a square base,so the hardened pizza(masuk angin da time tu) crushed on the lasagna and it went all over the bag! bende tu penyek, melekat-lekat and da xde rpe lasagna! bengang btol! waiter tu sengal la..da tawu lasagna tu lembik,dye ltk kt bawah,kne hempap ng pizza plak tuh. what worst was that the double were being put in a paper bag! np la x letak dlm kotak?? they ran out of boxes ke tyme tuh?? huh. that bag went into a bin eventually.
i went back and told my sister what had happened. pity eQa..dye nk sgt makan bende alah tuh..but she went out too that day. siap mkn kt season lg...huhu and start from today onwards, my dislike dishes would include lasagna. i discovered that the moment i saw it became a mess. actually mse kt pizza lg i knew that i wasnt born to like that quisine. after da tgk bnde tu jd benyek lg la xmao mkn...
ok. enuf of food. one of the things i bought yesterday was a pair of contact lens. the ones i'm having rite now are already more than 2 months' old and they need to be disposed. i'm supposed to use it for 30 days only.
can u guess its colour??
now is a story about my sister-eQa pendex...she registered a driving class lesson and passed her theory exam last week. she was on top of the world and very anxious to go on the road! she even asked a new pair of shoes from my mom! she said this-"ma,eqa ne de kasut..kasut puteh tu x seswai..nk bli kasut celup je.." nk blaja drive pon nk kasut baru! ngade2 dye tuh...hehe my mom gave her 50 bucks and she bought an evelast kinda sport shoes..80 bucks! dye tmbh duet s'dri..huhu da la susah cri saiz! kt silver planet mse tuh xde saiz dye..then dye nmpk de mamat cute kt kedai sebelah..sanggup g sne pastu tnye2 mamat tuh..hikhik sengal! mmg cute dak tuh tp he's not tall..i'm taller than him..huuu but still xde gak saiz dye..finally,dye bli kasut tuh kt cs..the green ones.
these are questions which she keeps on asking me since she knows how to handle a stereng. eh! actually since nk amek theory exam..
1) puwaaa..kaw pasti ke soklan tu sme kuar dr buku 500 soklan nih??
2) puwaaa..mse kaw dlu, kete dye burok ea?? xde air-cond? abes tuh klau ujan cmne??
3) puwaaa..klau kt simpang kn, kte kne tekan brek,pastuh benti, free gear..kan kan??
4) puwaaa..gear ade bape? cmne kte nk tawu kte tgh gear bp??
5) puwaaa..ble mse nk tukar gear??
6) puwaaa..parking pusing stereng 4 kali kn?pastu reverse smpai nmpk tiang no
7) puwaaa..mse kaw dlu org tukang ajar tu pegangkn stereng ea?aku pegang sket2 je..
everytime she asked, i'd sigh and she said this-" yg last!"...hahahhaa sengal dye! not enuf of asking me, she even serves question marks to my father! since my mom doesnt know how to drive..klau x mama pon jd mgse...wuuuhuuu
hmmm..u guys wonder what's the relation btwn the header and the content of this post? and what differs this post from others? it's bilingual.
lol,shafura onn
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
hepy-funny-sunny day!
Friday, December 19, 2008
i really mish u guys!
these are memories i'd never allow to be trashes for the whole of my life. InsyaALLAH.

those in this pic are:-
haziq-fee's classm8,and also one of her besties.
tika,hanis,padmini-my beloved bees!
pojan-the funniest buddy!
shafiq-my football enemy,,he loves arsenal.
yani,aimie,pan-the bestest roomates one can hv!

to irena,i'd love to put ur pic here,,but i couldnt find one..isk isk

above and below are dedicated to life sc 22 07/08-u guys are awesome!

how i miss enjoying these moments last year! exception for the wonderful besties-we had a great time early this year!
lol,shafura onn

those in this pic are:-
haziq-fee's classm8,and also one of her besties.
tika,hanis,padmini-my beloved bees!
pojan-the funniest buddy!
shafiq-my football enemy,,he loves arsenal.
yani,aimie,pan-the bestest roomates one can hv!

to irena,i'd love to put ur pic here,,but i couldnt find one..isk isk

above and below are dedicated to life sc 22 07/08-u guys are awesome!

how i miss enjoying these moments last year! exception for the wonderful besties-we had a great time early this year!
lol,shafura onn
Sunday, December 14, 2008
the used-to-be-my-blog sucks!
ok. i dont know why but my blog in fster is giving me lots of freaking bad stupid words to spontaneously be pouring from my mouth,,no,,it hasnt gone MIA yet, but i believe it will in a couple of days to go,,so i created a new account here so that my written memories can be savoured from death. these entries are all that i've penned out for already a few months-they are from my fster page.
he's super drop-dead gorgeous!
i went out to cs with aza,ezny and dd juz now…we intended to watch twilight but since ezny and I were having butterflies in our stomach,,actually not butterflies,,its bees performing a song,,alarming that we had to do the most precious thing in life-get some bites,,,and it was already 1.20 and the movie was going to kick-off at 1.45,,so we had no choice other than to watch WILDCHILD at 3.20..if u guys have read my last post, i really want to watch that, but i’ve promised feefe that i’ll be doing that wif her, next week..but i hv no other life savers. so, eventually, we bought the tickets and i hv to watch wildchild again next week.
but guess what? i’m counting days to catch the movie again! it was the 2nd movie i love after WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS! it was so damn hilarious and i feel like its worth my 6 bucks-we actually used student card to get discount,,it was supposed to be 10 bucks…the story line was pretty simple, yet it could still shift away my jaws to ground! i was laughing till i was kinda short of breath! luckily, i’m still alive. i am.
ok. now i’m super delighted to tell u bout what i’ve gone thru at the mall. i wrote about starbucks guy in my last post- i had glances of him few days ago and diz time around, i bought coffee-based caramel ice blended from him. the moment my friends and I entered the shop, we could sense his hot aura caressing our faces. seriously, he’s damn hot! i didnt know how come this happened, but i did pause when i was asking for a drink. i said “can i have caramel. then i stopped a few seconds..followed by ice blended…” luckily i wasnt having fluff in my mouth. seb baek x gagap. klau x………………drop-dead bengang! huuu he made my coffee, and i did ask for a paper bag, coz we are heading home at that time, and the drink was sorta cold to be held barehanded..he took a paper bag,opened it up and i was about to take it from him..but he took the drink from me, put it in the paper bag…waaa!! i’ve almost melted at that time! i’m not joking! then he asked where i’m from….blablabla…besh! for seconds, the song ‘when you look me in the eyes’ popping out of my mind…hahahaha =p looking at his face made me realise this-INDAHNYA CIPTAAN TUHAN…hikhik he was probably the hottest,gorgeous guy i’ve ever been spoke to. MOST PROBABLY.
until now, i cant get rid of his face shadowing my sight…however, if god’s will, i’m not going there again. i mean i’m trying not wud be so obvious if i were to be in there next week. i dont want to. hopefully i can resist my notty notorious desires…=p
lol,shafura onn
but guess what? i’m counting days to catch the movie again! it was the 2nd movie i love after WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS! it was so damn hilarious and i feel like its worth my 6 bucks-we actually used student card to get discount,,it was supposed to be 10 bucks…the story line was pretty simple, yet it could still shift away my jaws to ground! i was laughing till i was kinda short of breath! luckily, i’m still alive. i am.
ok. now i’m super delighted to tell u bout what i’ve gone thru at the mall. i wrote about starbucks guy in my last post- i had glances of him few days ago and diz time around, i bought coffee-based caramel ice blended from him. the moment my friends and I entered the shop, we could sense his hot aura caressing our faces. seriously, he’s damn hot! i didnt know how come this happened, but i did pause when i was asking for a drink. i said “can i have caramel. then i stopped a few seconds..followed by ice blended…” luckily i wasnt having fluff in my mouth. seb baek x gagap. klau x………………drop-dead bengang! huuu he made my coffee, and i did ask for a paper bag, coz we are heading home at that time, and the drink was sorta cold to be held barehanded..he took a paper bag,opened it up and i was about to take it from him..but he took the drink from me, put it in the paper bag…waaa!! i’ve almost melted at that time! i’m not joking! then he asked where i’m from….blablabla…besh! for seconds, the song ‘when you look me in the eyes’ popping out of my mind…hahahaha =p looking at his face made me realise this-INDAHNYA CIPTAAN TUHAN…hikhik he was probably the hottest,gorgeous guy i’ve ever been spoke to. MOST PROBABLY.
until now, i cant get rid of his face shadowing my sight…however, if god’s will, i’m not going there again. i mean i’m trying not wud be so obvious if i were to be in there next week. i dont want to. hopefully i can resist my notty notorious desires…=p
lol,shafura onn
gv me 10 !!
ok. these are things that happened to me recently.
1. i don know why but i keep on saying the word ’sengal’…officially,it’s my fav. now.
2. i went to cs wif fee n atim, we watched ’selamat pagi cinta’ coz fee and i are fazura’s fans and atim was kinda forced to let herself watch that kind of story..haha =p but so was i when then we watched ‘quarantine’. i hate horror and scary movies but the yelling and screaming inside the hall were awesome! haha however,it’s gonna be my first and last 18SG movie i’d watch in cinema. yaaahh..most probably.
3. i’m in love with this so very hot starbucks’s guy! in terms of his outer look. haha =p i think it’s 3-4 times my frens and i walked in front of the shop. weee^^^
4. i bought a neck-let…it stands for necklace + bracelet.
5. frankly speaking, i think 97 % of my male friends in tagged can be considered as desperados…oops!! they are desperate and things get worst when they show u that they are really that desperate!
6. i watched ‘don forget the lyrics-singapore version’ and i hv a crush on hadi mirza! hahaha =p i did like him before, when he was in ’singapore idol season 2′- he actually won that competition…however, he’s not that famous compared to taufik batisah in Malaysia, so for moments i havent heard updates about him..but since i just watched him just now, i can conclude that i like him..hahaha =p
7. i seriously cant wait for ‘wildchild’ to be released here-it has been in Singapore…it will be on cinemas on the 4th of dec which is about 10 days to go..fee, this time around, i wanna buy beverages from starbucks! huuu although i love coffee bean more…
8. villareal 0, man utd 0- in champs league. as a result, i have to gv away my digits to a pal from tagged. he’s my fren in ym too. we bet this- if man utd win, i’d be able to tease- actually nganjing kalah him for a week..if the match ends up with a draw or if villareal win, i have to gv my numbers..since it was a draw, so……………………………..yaaahhh..serves me rite, rite? who asks you to bet.
9. i couldnt sleep yesterday, so i browsed my CLEO magazines and found one with my sister, J.LO as a cover…huuu i was attracted with this so very creative-made sequinned cap from deeper and harder…got to check out soon when i’m back to kl. though it was published last year, hope it’s still available.
10. as i’m doing this blog, someone is trying to piss me off! gth!
lol,shafura onn
1. i don know why but i keep on saying the word ’sengal’…officially,it’s my fav. now.
2. i went to cs wif fee n atim, we watched ’selamat pagi cinta’ coz fee and i are fazura’s fans and atim was kinda forced to let herself watch that kind of story..haha =p but so was i when then we watched ‘quarantine’. i hate horror and scary movies but the yelling and screaming inside the hall were awesome! haha however,it’s gonna be my first and last 18SG movie i’d watch in cinema. yaaahh..most probably.
3. i’m in love with this so very hot starbucks’s guy! in terms of his outer look. haha =p i think it’s 3-4 times my frens and i walked in front of the shop. weee^^^
4. i bought a neck-let…it stands for necklace + bracelet.
5. frankly speaking, i think 97 % of my male friends in tagged can be considered as desperados…oops!! they are desperate and things get worst when they show u that they are really that desperate!
6. i watched ‘don forget the lyrics-singapore version’ and i hv a crush on hadi mirza! hahaha =p i did like him before, when he was in ’singapore idol season 2′- he actually won that competition…however, he’s not that famous compared to taufik batisah in Malaysia, so for moments i havent heard updates about him..but since i just watched him just now, i can conclude that i like him..hahaha =p
7. i seriously cant wait for ‘wildchild’ to be released here-it has been in Singapore…it will be on cinemas on the 4th of dec which is about 10 days to go..fee, this time around, i wanna buy beverages from starbucks! huuu although i love coffee bean more…
8. villareal 0, man utd 0- in champs league. as a result, i have to gv away my digits to a pal from tagged. he’s my fren in ym too. we bet this- if man utd win, i’d be able to tease- actually nganjing kalah him for a week..if the match ends up with a draw or if villareal win, i have to gv my numbers..since it was a draw, so……………………………..yaaahhh..serves me rite, rite? who asks you to bet.
9. i couldnt sleep yesterday, so i browsed my CLEO magazines and found one with my sister, J.LO as a cover…huuu i was attracted with this so very creative-made sequinned cap from deeper and harder…got to check out soon when i’m back to kl. though it was published last year, hope it’s still available.
10. as i’m doing this blog, someone is trying to piss me off! gth!
lol,shafura onn
i've screwed up a very foolish thing ever! waaa!!
to salma and syamil,, i’m certain that both of u know this..wuuhuu
ok. lets begin my story with things that i ought to face for the last couple of days…my last exam was on 15th and i was actually planning to stay kl for few days..but when i got my stuff packed, i realized that it was so plenty for me to bring back home as i’ll be off my study schedule for my 5 weeks, starting from the 20th-but i wanted to blah from ukm early…i’ve to clear up my room the same way i entered it for the first time which means everything has to be out from it…i got most of my stuff into a very big bag which my mom used to perform her pilgrimage- u guys juz have to imagine how big it is,,and put it in a stor..but still there’re many things to bring back home- laptop, clothes, toiletries, makeups, etc…all together-3 bags! i couldnt believe that i have to angkut all these things,, nek train to seremban,, then buy a ticket back to jb..adoiii…what a very exhausting and tiring day i’d have to face…but thank god,,everything went so well, just according to my plan..alhamdulillah *relieved phase*…
before i forget to mention, hostelians are allowed to only locate at most of 4 boxes at the provided stor,,as for myself- the bag is actually bigger than the size of 4 boxes…however, i still didnt hv enough space to put my pail, pillows, hangers…xkn la nk bwk tu sme blk jb?? that wud be ridiculous! da la nek bus..huhu then my friend suggested a way to solve the only remained prob i had at that moment…* ting! i have a solution! put those things under my bed! haha =p hopefully the cleaners dont ever have a glance of thought to raise the tilam and see…………………i’m praying now…huhu
when i thought everything was ok,,it wasnt actually…i departed from ukm at about 11 am and went to the comuter station by cab..i bought a ticket to seremban as i wanted to take bus from there coz if i were to go to pudu, i’d have to buy 2 tickets, then change train..wif three heavy bags,,that wud be very troublesome…i arrived at seremban and i walked to the bus station..omg! it wasnt far but wif the bags,,i felt like it was 30 mins of walking… hands hurt,,they turned into red,,as if i have skin rashes…adoii..saket…i stopped a few times and eventually, i arrived there..i’m still alive..huu
now, its already 3 days i’m in jb, my first-greeted origin…i feel blessed to be here…dont want to go back to kl..unless it’s intended for shopping..huhu i’ve been eating like a zombie these days! omg! fried mee, mcd fried chicken, strawberry sundae, biscuits wif tuna, bread wif serunding, eggs, nuggets…u name it…seems like my stomach is expanding from days to days…my sister even asked me whether i have an engine-portion stomach…x phm sbnrnye,,tp layankn je…she said this too-’ kaw bce bismillah tak?’ hahaha i thought i’d be eating a lot only on exam week- burger and mee sup, 2 roti canai, etc…konon2 nk release tension..but, obviously i’m wrong..*sigh
ok..i’m gonna tell u bout one foolish thing i’ve screwed up just now…i signed up my ym so that i can chat, gossip as well as badmouth wif my friend…i changed my ym status into ‘ i miss him ‘ coz i mish my only crush..then there’s a guy whom i recently known from tagged- we did chat twice…he gave me a message saying ‘ miz me?’… i replied this-’ hahahha..a bit ‘…seriously i was juz joking! after a few moment, he remained silent and i didnt gv a damn to it coz i was really very buzy chatting with my buddies…few minutes later, i realized my caption for status! omg! bengang gle! adoii…x perasan la bende tuh td..da la dye one of my friends kt tagged…can somebody lend me a pail or a scarf or a mask maybe?? Waaa !!
so, the moral of the story is dont ever change ur ym status unless the ones that have already listed in the programme..haha =p
serves me rite, shafura onn
ok. lets begin my story with things that i ought to face for the last couple of days…my last exam was on 15th and i was actually planning to stay kl for few days..but when i got my stuff packed, i realized that it was so plenty for me to bring back home as i’ll be off my study schedule for my 5 weeks, starting from the 20th-but i wanted to blah from ukm early…i’ve to clear up my room the same way i entered it for the first time which means everything has to be out from it…i got most of my stuff into a very big bag which my mom used to perform her pilgrimage- u guys juz have to imagine how big it is,,and put it in a stor..but still there’re many things to bring back home- laptop, clothes, toiletries, makeups, etc…all together-3 bags! i couldnt believe that i have to angkut all these things,, nek train to seremban,, then buy a ticket back to jb..adoiii…what a very exhausting and tiring day i’d have to face…but thank god,,everything went so well, just according to my plan..alhamdulillah *relieved phase*…
before i forget to mention, hostelians are allowed to only locate at most of 4 boxes at the provided stor,,as for myself- the bag is actually bigger than the size of 4 boxes…however, i still didnt hv enough space to put my pail, pillows, hangers…xkn la nk bwk tu sme blk jb?? that wud be ridiculous! da la nek bus..huhu then my friend suggested a way to solve the only remained prob i had at that moment…* ting! i have a solution! put those things under my bed! haha =p hopefully the cleaners dont ever have a glance of thought to raise the tilam and see…………………i’m praying now…huhu
when i thought everything was ok,,it wasnt actually…i departed from ukm at about 11 am and went to the comuter station by cab..i bought a ticket to seremban as i wanted to take bus from there coz if i were to go to pudu, i’d have to buy 2 tickets, then change train..wif three heavy bags,,that wud be very troublesome…i arrived at seremban and i walked to the bus station..omg! it wasnt far but wif the bags,,i felt like it was 30 mins of walking… hands hurt,,they turned into red,,as if i have skin rashes…adoii..saket…i stopped a few times and eventually, i arrived there..i’m still alive..huu
now, its already 3 days i’m in jb, my first-greeted origin…i feel blessed to be here…dont want to go back to kl..unless it’s intended for shopping..huhu i’ve been eating like a zombie these days! omg! fried mee, mcd fried chicken, strawberry sundae, biscuits wif tuna, bread wif serunding, eggs, nuggets…u name it…seems like my stomach is expanding from days to days…my sister even asked me whether i have an engine-portion stomach…x phm sbnrnye,,tp layankn je…she said this too-’ kaw bce bismillah tak?’ hahaha i thought i’d be eating a lot only on exam week- burger and mee sup, 2 roti canai, etc…konon2 nk release tension..but, obviously i’m wrong..*sigh
ok..i’m gonna tell u bout one foolish thing i’ve screwed up just now…i signed up my ym so that i can chat, gossip as well as badmouth wif my friend…i changed my ym status into ‘ i miss him ‘ coz i mish my only crush..then there’s a guy whom i recently known from tagged- we did chat twice…he gave me a message saying ‘ miz me?’… i replied this-’ hahahha..a bit ‘…seriously i was juz joking! after a few moment, he remained silent and i didnt gv a damn to it coz i was really very buzy chatting with my buddies…few minutes later, i realized my caption for status! omg! bengang gle! adoii…x perasan la bende tuh td..da la dye one of my friends kt tagged…can somebody lend me a pail or a scarf or a mask maybe?? Waaa !!
so, the moral of the story is dont ever change ur ym status unless the ones that have already listed in the programme..haha =p
serves me rite, shafura onn
exams + man utd + ronaldo + arsenal
well, it has been a fortnite since i last posted my blog..that was a private one.huhu
ok.let’s start off with this- i couldnt believe that i would have to face such cruel realities. first, i have exams on weekend! i mean both saturday and sunday! ouh gosh! i know this is what i ought to face when i entered university..but, come on..can realities be more considerable?? at least give me a break, man…
but what really put my anger yet sadness thru my veins was the horrible match between arsenal and man utd! frankly speaking, i’m a big furious fan of the red devils and i couldnt believe that they would perform that way! i mean they really gave chances to arsenal boys to possess the game during the first half! like adding salts to the wound, ronaldo played so bad that i felt like throwing bottles to him! i really2 loved ronaldo,,i swear to god,my friends know this very well, but last nite’s match was probably the most awful game he contributed on field..i juz couldnt help my tears running thru my cheeks when finally the referee wistled, alarming the stop of the match which resulted a defeat to my was 2-1..i dont like arsenal, but i dont hate them either. therefore, i generously gave credits to nasri-whom i dont even familiar with, for netting both goals for the Gunners.
after watching the match, i seriously couldnt concentrate studying-i have chemistry exam the next day..actually, i was waiting anxiously for the game coz i havent watch epl and ronaldo for quite a few, when it ended that bad, i instantly lost my mood and i acted miserably..pan,u sure know this..thanx for calling and comforting me..i appreciate that.
i’m sure many of u would say that it was juz a match-of course there’ll be winners and losers,,blablabla….but to me, it’s still considered as only a game, but it affected me in real way. u just have to believe it..even when i answered the exam, i could still remember what was the match was hard for me to focus 100 % , but luckily it was all objective questions..if not, there’ll be possibilities that i might scatch down ronaldo’s name and draw man utd’s badge..huh
although i sounded like i really mad at man utd, but deep inside me,,i know it is the only football club i love.full stop.thus, i hope that they’ll find valuable lessons from the match..i really want them to retain both titles- epl and champs league- i want them to get back on their real track and plz,,don be so confident.
i’ll be sitting for ” hubungan etnik ” exam tomorrow..and i dont even touch the book..and most probably, i’d have to search for it-on the shelf, under my bed, in my begs, etc..ouh..that would be so tiring. and to memorize the concepts is another troublesome job.huh
it’s already 5.21pm now which means i’ve onlined for about 3 hours which means i have to stop..and start reading! start looking for them first..hahhaha =p
lol,shafuraa onn
ok.let’s start off with this- i couldnt believe that i would have to face such cruel realities. first, i have exams on weekend! i mean both saturday and sunday! ouh gosh! i know this is what i ought to face when i entered university..but, come on..can realities be more considerable?? at least give me a break, man…
but what really put my anger yet sadness thru my veins was the horrible match between arsenal and man utd! frankly speaking, i’m a big furious fan of the red devils and i couldnt believe that they would perform that way! i mean they really gave chances to arsenal boys to possess the game during the first half! like adding salts to the wound, ronaldo played so bad that i felt like throwing bottles to him! i really2 loved ronaldo,,i swear to god,my friends know this very well, but last nite’s match was probably the most awful game he contributed on field..i juz couldnt help my tears running thru my cheeks when finally the referee wistled, alarming the stop of the match which resulted a defeat to my was 2-1..i dont like arsenal, but i dont hate them either. therefore, i generously gave credits to nasri-whom i dont even familiar with, for netting both goals for the Gunners.
after watching the match, i seriously couldnt concentrate studying-i have chemistry exam the next day..actually, i was waiting anxiously for the game coz i havent watch epl and ronaldo for quite a few, when it ended that bad, i instantly lost my mood and i acted miserably..pan,u sure know this..thanx for calling and comforting me..i appreciate that.
i’m sure many of u would say that it was juz a match-of course there’ll be winners and losers,,blablabla….but to me, it’s still considered as only a game, but it affected me in real way. u just have to believe it..even when i answered the exam, i could still remember what was the match was hard for me to focus 100 % , but luckily it was all objective questions..if not, there’ll be possibilities that i might scatch down ronaldo’s name and draw man utd’s badge..huh
although i sounded like i really mad at man utd, but deep inside me,,i know it is the only football club i love.full stop.thus, i hope that they’ll find valuable lessons from the match..i really want them to retain both titles- epl and champs league- i want them to get back on their real track and plz,,don be so confident.
i’ll be sitting for ” hubungan etnik ” exam tomorrow..and i dont even touch the book..and most probably, i’d have to search for it-on the shelf, under my bed, in my begs, etc..ouh..that would be so tiring. and to memorize the concepts is another troublesome job.huh
it’s already 5.21pm now which means i’ve onlined for about 3 hours which means i have to stop..and start reading! start looking for them first..hahhaha =p
lol,shafuraa onn
aqua blue eyes
it was wednesday when i went to metro kajang (cm komtar klau kt jb) with my friend..i woke up at almost 10 am-i skipped classes (biodiversity and fundamental bio molecules) and i cant think of other things-except for food..therefore,i asked my friend to accompany myself having lunch at kfc-i’m bored with the meals offered in the cafe..i was lucky because my friend wanted to purchase a pair of glasses..we arrived there at about noon and we went straight away to an optical shop-ct checked her eyes power and chose the best glasses she could find.ct paid 20 bucks as downpayment and we quickly ran to kfc to have some bites!
with stomaches filled with rice,crispy chicken,tortilla and ice lemon tea juice,we walked slowly (we actually gasped for air) to focus point as i suddenly thought of buying contact lenses..i wanted to buy the green colour one but the stock wasnt we went back to metro kajang which situated a stone’s throw from focus point..
at england optical,the shop’s assistant persuaded me to buy a pair of brown contact lenses as it fit exactly with the power i needed for my eyes..but i wanted the green one!then,she gave me a pair of blue lenses that possessed almost the same power i needed..i tried both-blue and green(less power). eventually,i made up a decision..i bought the blue one-aqua blue to be exact..but i’m not sure why they turned out to be green in my primary pic.
i’m wearing them now.and i don wanna detach them from my eyes..haha =p
with stomaches filled with rice,crispy chicken,tortilla and ice lemon tea juice,we walked slowly (we actually gasped for air) to focus point as i suddenly thought of buying contact lenses..i wanted to buy the green colour one but the stock wasnt we went back to metro kajang which situated a stone’s throw from focus point..
at england optical,the shop’s assistant persuaded me to buy a pair of brown contact lenses as it fit exactly with the power i needed for my eyes..but i wanted the green one!then,she gave me a pair of blue lenses that possessed almost the same power i needed..i tried both-blue and green(less power). eventually,i made up a decision..i bought the blue one-aqua blue to be exact..but i’m not sure why they turned out to be green in my primary pic.
i’m wearing them now.and i don wanna detach them from my eyes..haha =p
he's gone! praying for henry to bump!
if i’m not mistaken,it was two days ago when i decided to detach him away from my A-list gadgets ranging from cell phone,fster and so forth…i’ve deleted his number,pics,msgs and what not..i really want to do this now.and i’m on efforts to do everything it takes to forget him.i’m sticking in the mud.i really am.
it’s not that easy to dump him away from my head.but he’s not that great,is he??i’m not going to let him stay in my virgin heart forever..he eventually has to be dead deep inside me.i dont care.i really dont.
to a great friend of mine,irena,thanks for recommending me the song by leona lewis-better in time..i knew the existence of that song before but i didnt gv a damn to it..however,i’ve downloaded it yesterday and even bluetoothed it to my’s in my A-list songs as i’m craving for determination and strength to forget my 1st crazy crush on someone.u know who.
i’m not sure what exactly encouraged me to do this.i dont have a new crush rite now,thats for sure..nevertheless,there’re few things happened to me lately..i’ve got new friends and there’s someone who caught my attention to knowing him better..but i’d never rush out my actions..he gave me his number,and i’m waiting for a very rite time to knock/greet his phone..=) i’ll follow my intuitions.
to my dearest buddies,thanks a lot 4 every single thing u’ve said/done for me..ur kindness can never be listed,ever..
i want to possess all the happiness one can achieve.and there’s always more sunshine for tomorrow.
i’m going to meet my friend on friday and we’re gonna go shopping at the midvalley!! oh god,plz let me bump to HENRY GOLDING!! huhu =p
it’s not that easy to dump him away from my head.but he’s not that great,is he??i’m not going to let him stay in my virgin heart forever..he eventually has to be dead deep inside me.i dont care.i really dont.
to a great friend of mine,irena,thanks for recommending me the song by leona lewis-better in time..i knew the existence of that song before but i didnt gv a damn to it..however,i’ve downloaded it yesterday and even bluetoothed it to my’s in my A-list songs as i’m craving for determination and strength to forget my 1st crazy crush on someone.u know who.
i’m not sure what exactly encouraged me to do this.i dont have a new crush rite now,thats for sure..nevertheless,there’re few things happened to me lately..i’ve got new friends and there’s someone who caught my attention to knowing him better..but i’d never rush out my actions..he gave me his number,and i’m waiting for a very rite time to knock/greet his phone..=) i’ll follow my intuitions.
to my dearest buddies,thanks a lot 4 every single thing u’ve said/done for me..ur kindness can never be listed,ever..
i want to possess all the happiness one can achieve.and there’s always more sunshine for tomorrow.
i’m going to meet my friend on friday and we’re gonna go shopping at the midvalley!! oh god,plz let me bump to HENRY GOLDING!! huhu =p
letting him go
it is tuesday morning when i landed my laptop on my bed and scrolled down my fs page to add my blog..and it is about a week to Eid,which i’ve been counting for to come holiday started last saturday which enables me to spend the last week of ramadhan at my lovely hometown,johor bahru,wif all my beloved ones…
i learned quite a few things for the last 1 and a half years..and it’s true that life is what happen when u’re busy making ur for myself,i’ve got a lesson when accidentally lose someone i like to somebody else,whom adores him more than i do..and the song “the day u went away” by M2M keeps on loitering in my mind,leaving it restless…
“empty” by the click five is the situation i’m facing rite now..half of my clicks encourage me to forget him,,on the other hand,the remaining half say that i should not let him go if i really like him.i do have crush on him..but things are different now..he’s taken,far,possess all that complicate me to reach him.
i watched ”a lot like love” last sunday and i do hope that my story would end like the story the story,it took 7 years for the happy ending to take place..mine??no one can answer powerful device can give me clues and hints..only He knows how my days would be..
Ya Allah,please give me strength to face the obstacle that lies right in front of me..amin…
i learned quite a few things for the last 1 and a half years..and it’s true that life is what happen when u’re busy making ur for myself,i’ve got a lesson when accidentally lose someone i like to somebody else,whom adores him more than i do..and the song “the day u went away” by M2M keeps on loitering in my mind,leaving it restless…
“empty” by the click five is the situation i’m facing rite now..half of my clicks encourage me to forget him,,on the other hand,the remaining half say that i should not let him go if i really like him.i do have crush on him..but things are different now..he’s taken,far,possess all that complicate me to reach him.
i watched ”a lot like love” last sunday and i do hope that my story would end like the story the story,it took 7 years for the happy ending to take place..mine??no one can answer powerful device can give me clues and hints..only He knows how my days would be..
Ya Allah,please give me strength to face the obstacle that lies right in front of me..amin…
about a month ago,i decided to let myself enter the marching competition for the closing ceremony of SUKEM-I was one of the representatives for my ungku omar college…i wasn’t an athlete in school,and i’m still not in university,but boredom really pumps up my hormones to take part in the activities which i hate to be involved in during my school days…i was a prefect,actually 2nd-vice chairman of prefectorial board of SIGS,so i’ve to participate in almost activities being held-i didn’t have the power to escape from them.i didn’t like marching but i didn’t hate it either…but since my life in university has been so dull so far,i VOLUNTEERED to march,representing my college…i hate thinking of things that can really consume my "free time" at night,,other than study of course…
it was monday,the closing ceremony day,which means the maching competition day…i wasn’t nervous,unexpectedly,but everything was ok during our last touch-up for the formation…at almost 7pm,we went to dataran gemilang by bus…the bus was so crowded-it was 60 of us!and did i mention that some of us were holding "bunga manggar"??can u imagine how sardine-like it was in that bus??
we were the 1st squad to take on the centre of the stadium…everything went so well and i was delighted that i didn’t do mistakes!alhamdullillah…
i was over the moon when they revealed the results-we were the 2nd-runner up!!as a result,we were in 3rd place for overall ranking!we won 400 bucks and a trophy for marching and 750 bucks for overall ranking..the champion was KTSN and the 1st-runner up was KAB..congratulations guys!!
i’m happy that i’ve achieved credits so far-2nd place for choral speaking and also 3rd place for marching…it’s true that when u put ur heart in what u’re doing,with continuous efforts,u can finally taste the fruits of success…
hopefully,ungku omar college will keep on rising new stars with great achievements in the coming years…insyaallah…
lol,shafuraa onn
it was monday,the closing ceremony day,which means the maching competition day…i wasn’t nervous,unexpectedly,but everything was ok during our last touch-up for the formation…at almost 7pm,we went to dataran gemilang by bus…the bus was so crowded-it was 60 of us!and did i mention that some of us were holding "bunga manggar"??can u imagine how sardine-like it was in that bus??
we were the 1st squad to take on the centre of the stadium…everything went so well and i was delighted that i didn’t do mistakes!alhamdullillah…
i was over the moon when they revealed the results-we were the 2nd-runner up!!as a result,we were in 3rd place for overall ranking!we won 400 bucks and a trophy for marching and 750 bucks for overall ranking..the champion was KTSN and the 1st-runner up was KAB..congratulations guys!!
i’m happy that i’ve achieved credits so far-2nd place for choral speaking and also 3rd place for marching…it’s true that when u put ur heart in what u’re doing,with continuous efforts,u can finally taste the fruits of success…
hopefully,ungku omar college will keep on rising new stars with great achievements in the coming years…insyaallah…
lol,shafuraa onn
choral speaking
since my friends in UKM are countable-they are less than the sum of my hands and legs fingers that resulted in fewer stupid stuff to get involved,i let myself joined the choral speaking for "pesta konvokesyen" which was held from 6th-12th august,last week…it was pretty dull at first as only less than 15 people registered their names and things were getting more complicated for me because at that time,there were only two of first-year students in the list!the rest of them were 3rd-year students,taking the same course-TESL..and did i mention that they were all Sarawakians and have known each other for about 5 years??can u guys imagine myself to be in that group??
but the phrase "don’t judge a book by its cover" really makes sense…i thought i would be lost to be surrounded by ’strangers’,but i was wrong..although they differed from me ranging from age,origin,course,background,,,but i could sense myself happy to be having activities with them…as time passes by,we were getting a little bit closer…they told me about their families,Sarawak,life stories,etc…i’m happy that they are now my friends!
later,,a few of my 1st-year buddies joined in…farhanah-my course n blockmate,hur,zue-a girl of opposite door,cm…and still the only 1st-year-boy remained-afiq…all of us practised on monday and wednesday,,,but towards the competition which was held last sunday,we were practising almost every single day…
it was sunday.the day we were waiting for.we had the last updates of movements and tones that morning…at about 4 pm,we took a cab to "dewan gemilang" which is situated about 20 mins of’s quite far actually…when we arrived,,we had glances of what was happening there-numbers of stalls selling varieties of foods,brooches,clothes,t-shirts….and even pepper-sprays!!especially for ladies…=)) then,about 5.30 pm,we tested the microphones on the stage so that the performance would be smoothly done.
after maghrib,we had the make-ups done and gathered near the stage…we were all-blacked,with rubbish in our hands as our props…the participants from other colleges were wearing all sorts of costumes!!and their props were much2 greater than us!honestly,i felt so small at that time-not in terms of body size,but of course it was the matter of physicology-i was kinda emotionally abused!huhu
at about 9pm,the battle started with the opening performance from ‘kolej burhanuddin helmi’ which has won the competition twice…after that,it was our turn to take the centre of the stage.i was very nervous-as it expected,,but alhamdulillah,,everything went so well…we left the stage with smiles and quickly ran to "villa puaka" to have some fun! =))
it was 10.45pm when the announcement be made…we won the ‘best script’ award!!we were very happy-thanx to Alex!!then,when they announced that we were the 1st-runner ups,we were screaming and yelling!!oh my god!!it was unbelievable,,and the situation was undescribable!!we were on top of the world!we won throphies,hampers and 200 bucks!yeyy!!
we felt that all of our efforts were paid off..alhamdulillah..
this coming monday,which is 18th august,we will be performing in front of the Vice Chansellor of UKM-Prof.Dato Dr Sharifah Habsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin for a programme called ‘English Speaking Zone’…hopefully,everything will be just fun and fine…insyaallah…
to all my choral-speaking teammates,congratulations!!a big round of applause to u guys!!WE ARE AWESOME OMARIANS!! hahhaha =p
and all the besh for this coming monday…
lol,shafuraa onn
but the phrase "don’t judge a book by its cover" really makes sense…i thought i would be lost to be surrounded by ’strangers’,but i was wrong..although they differed from me ranging from age,origin,course,background,,,but i could sense myself happy to be having activities with them…as time passes by,we were getting a little bit closer…they told me about their families,Sarawak,life stories,etc…i’m happy that they are now my friends!
later,,a few of my 1st-year buddies joined in…farhanah-my course n blockmate,hur,zue-a girl of opposite door,cm…and still the only 1st-year-boy remained-afiq…all of us practised on monday and wednesday,,,but towards the competition which was held last sunday,we were practising almost every single day…
it was sunday.the day we were waiting for.we had the last updates of movements and tones that morning…at about 4 pm,we took a cab to "dewan gemilang" which is situated about 20 mins of’s quite far actually…when we arrived,,we had glances of what was happening there-numbers of stalls selling varieties of foods,brooches,clothes,t-shirts….and even pepper-sprays!!especially for ladies…=)) then,about 5.30 pm,we tested the microphones on the stage so that the performance would be smoothly done.
after maghrib,we had the make-ups done and gathered near the stage…we were all-blacked,with rubbish in our hands as our props…the participants from other colleges were wearing all sorts of costumes!!and their props were much2 greater than us!honestly,i felt so small at that time-not in terms of body size,but of course it was the matter of physicology-i was kinda emotionally abused!huhu
at about 9pm,the battle started with the opening performance from ‘kolej burhanuddin helmi’ which has won the competition twice…after that,it was our turn to take the centre of the stage.i was very nervous-as it expected,,but alhamdulillah,,everything went so well…we left the stage with smiles and quickly ran to "villa puaka" to have some fun! =))
it was 10.45pm when the announcement be made…we won the ‘best script’ award!!we were very happy-thanx to Alex!!then,when they announced that we were the 1st-runner ups,we were screaming and yelling!!oh my god!!it was unbelievable,,and the situation was undescribable!!we were on top of the world!we won throphies,hampers and 200 bucks!yeyy!!
we felt that all of our efforts were paid off..alhamdulillah..
this coming monday,which is 18th august,we will be performing in front of the Vice Chansellor of UKM-Prof.Dato Dr Sharifah Habsah Syed Hasan Shahabudin for a programme called ‘English Speaking Zone’…hopefully,everything will be just fun and fine…insyaallah…
to all my choral-speaking teammates,congratulations!!a big round of applause to u guys!!WE ARE AWESOME OMARIANS!! hahhaha =p
and all the besh for this coming monday…
lol,shafuraa onn
infinite fun!
actually i’ve to keep mum bout this coz my parents will be super-duper mad if they know what i did last weekend…but i certainly cant hide my entire feelings regarding my reunion wif my old-time friends!!they are awesome!really!!
last saturday,after my seminar ended at 12.15 pm,i went to midvalley to meet all my friends especially AINEE,who is going to pursue her studies in actuary sc at PENNSYLVANIA,UNITED STATES on this early august…i met them at carls jr where we had our big lunch and every single of us was struggling for air as our tummy were like espanding 50 % after the treat..hahaha
then,we were loitering around,taking various pics…we were laughing and talking all the time,asking about each other’s life,keep updating stuff among ourselves..after that,we went to THE GARDENS,as ainee’s aunt was already there to fetch was a sad moment coz she’ll be far from us…but the situation was manageable..huhu =)
we all stopped at the baskin robin to have some bites for icecreams but citut and I were having caramel coffee-based ib from the starbucks as we are coffee-addict was almost 8 pm when we walked back to midvalley to check out some stuff-shirts,bags,shoes,cardigans,,,but we ended up in watson,searching for our daily needs…i brought a toothbrush after i decided to overnite at the uitm,shah alam wif atim,yana and citut…aina spent her nite at kauthar’s room…we all reached uitm at almost 11 pm and the front gate of citut’s college has already closed..atim and i entered from the back gate and we prepared for the questions that the guard might ask us…apparently,we were lucky coz he didn’t even say a word towards us..thank god..=)
we were chatting and laughing till 3 am and the next morning,,aina’s brother sent me back to ukm…thanx aina!!
i was having a real gd time wif them and i’m hoping that i’ll get the chance to meet them again..hopefully..i miss having them i said earlier,,they’re awesome!
lol,shafuraa onn
last saturday,after my seminar ended at 12.15 pm,i went to midvalley to meet all my friends especially AINEE,who is going to pursue her studies in actuary sc at PENNSYLVANIA,UNITED STATES on this early august…i met them at carls jr where we had our big lunch and every single of us was struggling for air as our tummy were like espanding 50 % after the treat..hahaha
then,we were loitering around,taking various pics…we were laughing and talking all the time,asking about each other’s life,keep updating stuff among ourselves..after that,we went to THE GARDENS,as ainee’s aunt was already there to fetch was a sad moment coz she’ll be far from us…but the situation was manageable..huhu =)
we all stopped at the baskin robin to have some bites for icecreams but citut and I were having caramel coffee-based ib from the starbucks as we are coffee-addict was almost 8 pm when we walked back to midvalley to check out some stuff-shirts,bags,shoes,cardigans,,,but we ended up in watson,searching for our daily needs…i brought a toothbrush after i decided to overnite at the uitm,shah alam wif atim,yana and citut…aina spent her nite at kauthar’s room…we all reached uitm at almost 11 pm and the front gate of citut’s college has already closed..atim and i entered from the back gate and we prepared for the questions that the guard might ask us…apparently,we were lucky coz he didn’t even say a word towards us..thank god..=)
we were chatting and laughing till 3 am and the next morning,,aina’s brother sent me back to ukm…thanx aina!!
i was having a real gd time wif them and i’m hoping that i’ll get the chance to meet them again..hopefully..i miss having them i said earlier,,they’re awesome!
lol,shafuraa onn
i dont think i will have my previous life back,,it’s awful to be here…i really want to go back to jb and mtrx..i don want my life to be destined here..if only i can change my fate..but that’s never gonna happen..i have to be realistic.
as time passes by,i can feel that my soul is getting emptier and emptier.i hate to start a whole thing new and my days are filled with this sentence " buhsanla dok sini "…i cant describe it in words how awful it is to be here so far…i ‘m not sure if i’ve made a right decision..people told me that this is only the beginning but i don have faith in those words.all i know is i miss my family and friends..i feel like shouting out loud on top of the klcc tower!i’m so very stressful!gosh!
deep inside,i know that there are things that might change after diz.but i’m not certain if it’s going to change my concrete perception.i’m not sure if it really matters for me..i’m sceptical towards every single things here.
as time passes by,i can feel that my soul is getting emptier and emptier.i hate to start a whole thing new and my days are filled with this sentence " buhsanla dok sini "…i cant describe it in words how awful it is to be here so far…i ‘m not sure if i’ve made a right decision..people told me that this is only the beginning but i don have faith in those words.all i know is i miss my family and friends..i feel like shouting out loud on top of the klcc tower!i’m so very stressful!gosh!
deep inside,i know that there are things that might change after diz.but i’m not certain if it’s going to change my concrete perception.i’m not sure if it really matters for me..i’m sceptical towards every single things here.
dr. sheikh muzaffar
it has been almost a week since i last stepped my feet off my lovely hometown,johor bahru…i’ve decided to pursue my studies in ukm and here i am,faculty science and technology,,majoring in biology…i’m hoping that this is the best for my future,insyaallah…my one-week orientation was so very tiring and i was so damn exhausted!!dis was the most hectic week of my life!it was much2 harder than my camping when i was in matrix..i cant describe it in words!
ukm…one word-enormous!!i was short of breath,gasping for air, walking to dectar which is DEWAN CANSELLOR TUNKU ABDUL RAZAK where all of us,new student,were enable to meet DR.SHEIKH MUZHAFFAR SHUKUR SHEIKH MUSTAFA-our very own astronout…we were screaming out loud when he entered the hall!!cameras were everywhere!he was so damn hot,tall,tough-perfect!but one thing that really counts-his brain is filled with all sorts of knowledges…he has majored numbers of studies,yet he’s so humble when he said that we all can be like him…he showed us pictures and videos that he took from the ISS and i bet that none of us has fell asleep during his presentation!!our jaws were hardly be at it’s place!
i wasn’t his fan before and i’m still not.but one thing that changes now is my perception towards him .if someone asks me bout him,my answer will be "he’s is blessed with perfections and he really makes full of them"..he thinks differently that makes him not an ordinary human being.he is unique.
my orientation week ended yesterday and i’m very much relieved now…i really need my space and freedom back.and i have them now…i hope that everything will turn out well after diz and i don’t have to face much problems.insyaallah…
ukm…one word-enormous!!i was short of breath,gasping for air, walking to dectar which is DEWAN CANSELLOR TUNKU ABDUL RAZAK where all of us,new student,were enable to meet DR.SHEIKH MUZHAFFAR SHUKUR SHEIKH MUSTAFA-our very own astronout…we were screaming out loud when he entered the hall!!cameras were everywhere!he was so damn hot,tall,tough-perfect!but one thing that really counts-his brain is filled with all sorts of knowledges…he has majored numbers of studies,yet he’s so humble when he said that we all can be like him…he showed us pictures and videos that he took from the ISS and i bet that none of us has fell asleep during his presentation!!our jaws were hardly be at it’s place!
i wasn’t his fan before and i’m still not.but one thing that changes now is my perception towards him .if someone asks me bout him,my answer will be "he’s is blessed with perfections and he really makes full of them"..he thinks differently that makes him not an ordinary human being.he is unique.
my orientation week ended yesterday and i’m very much relieved now…i really need my space and freedom back.and i have them now…i hope that everything will turn out well after diz and i don’t have to face much problems.insyaallah…
mc'd guy!
hmmm…i had a very wonderful moments today-i went out with my clicks-atim,feefe,irena and also my old-time friend-nana.we had lots of fun-we laughed everywhere especially at mc’d as atim was having trouble talking actually asking for her meals in front of this very cute guy!she seemed to have fluff in her mouth!!hahhaha =) when that guy asked her "makan or take away?",,she was like "mak..buk..buk..makan2" hahhahaha =)) it was so damn hilarious and i could imagine myself in her shoes!! we basically have the same type of men and yup2…that guy was very cute!his name was syed,,,syed somethingla…i can’t remember…hik7
then we went to cyberzone coz i’m short of socks..when i was choosing the socks,atim was kind of wispering to me…"pura..pura.." i looked at him and she signalled me to turn back..i did it and i was like "y??" coz all i saw was a chinese old lady who was walking right behind of me…then my friends were like "mamat mc’d thu la!!" i was like "haaa???".i missed his face,,i could only see his back..=(( he was walking a few steps ahead of that lady…hmmm
we watched made of was pretty romantic and frankly speaking,i did like it…but i love what happens in vegas much more!coz the story line was much simpler and yet,it was funny..i had tummyache after i watched that..hik7 =p
we ate some cakes at secret recipe before my mom called so that i won’t forget to be back before maghrib…it was almost 6.30 pm afterall…then,we dismissed..atim and i planned to ride a same cab and before we get into one,,we walked in front of mc’d,,just to take last glimpses of that guy…huhu obviously,he’s blessed with definitely good genes from his parents!!enough said!!wee^^
then,,we all reached our home sweet home…
then we went to cyberzone coz i’m short of socks..when i was choosing the socks,atim was kind of wispering to me…"pura..pura.." i looked at him and she signalled me to turn back..i did it and i was like "y??" coz all i saw was a chinese old lady who was walking right behind of me…then my friends were like "mamat mc’d thu la!!" i was like "haaa???".i missed his face,,i could only see his back..=(( he was walking a few steps ahead of that lady…hmmm
we watched made of was pretty romantic and frankly speaking,i did like it…but i love what happens in vegas much more!coz the story line was much simpler and yet,it was funny..i had tummyache after i watched that..hik7 =p
we ate some cakes at secret recipe before my mom called so that i won’t forget to be back before maghrib…it was almost 6.30 pm afterall…then,we dismissed..atim and i planned to ride a same cab and before we get into one,,we walked in front of mc’d,,just to take last glimpses of that guy…huhu obviously,he’s blessed with definitely good genes from his parents!!enough said!!wee^^
then,,we all reached our home sweet home…
what a bornday gift!
it is fated that it’s gonna be my very memorable bornday i had this year-18th june 08…probably the bestest b’day so far!!i’ve received most wishes and prayers and i was so damn ecstatic!!nothing can really describe my entire feelings and i’m very2 grateful to THE ALMIGHTY…on that very day,,i didn’t get only wishes,,but an offer from UKM!!it was pretty awesome!!i’m able to attend university for a degree at a young age!wonderful!!although i’m a bit disappointed due to the failure of getting law,but the fact that i’m gonna finish my degree at 22 and continue my master(INSYAALLAH) in biology really2 put my jaws back to where it is supposed to be..i feel much relieved now…so are my family members-mama,abah,lala,eqa,tok nah,tok yem,my cousins especially che yah,aunts and uncles…
to those who did wish me on my b’day especially ex-jmc students-THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!U GUYS ARE GREAT!!REALLY!! =))
i would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who are going to pursue your studies in whatever fields anywhere-ukm,um,utm,upm,uitm,usm,uum,unimas,ump,umk,ums,utem,usim…i mean everywhere!!all the besh for your future undertakings and also for lives ahead of you!
to those who did wish me on my b’day especially ex-jmc students-THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!U GUYS ARE GREAT!!REALLY!! =))
i would like to convey my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who are going to pursue your studies in whatever fields anywhere-ukm,um,utm,upm,uitm,usm,uum,unimas,ump,umk,ums,utem,usim…i mean everywhere!!all the besh for your future undertakings and also for lives ahead of you!
my thoughts
i was born to be jbrian and i really2 love my origin,,,i visited kl last two days and frankly speaking,i don think i like kl that much…maybe i don have enough time and opportunity to discover a whole lot there but i’m pretty sure that i don like kl as much as i adore jb…to me,kl promise you a great life especially in terms of entertainment but there’s one thing that is often missing in that area-PRIVACY…it is lacking as time goes by,,everybody’s lives are drowned in the hustle and bustle of the city and there’s only a word to describe the situation-HECTIC!i don speak..actually write on behalf of celebrities or public figures but privacy is something very precious for me coz nowadays,irresponsible humans are interrupting other people’s business as much as they’s shameful…however,there was something that surprised me…i was having a dinner with my family at one of the restaurants in Ampang when two teenagers holding their guitars appeared out of nowhere..i assumed they were 17/18 years old,,but they were very talented!they served us with quite a number of songs and the arrangements were pretty awesome!i gave them credits!haha..1 more thing,the workers at the restaurant were very understanding and full of consideration!when the boys came,they slowed down the radio volume so that the kids can perform…wonderful job!if not,we can guess that the boys would be chased away,poor thing.
i’m done with my story of visiting kl…hmmm…i went out juz now and had my dinner at kfc,,it reminds me of tangkak..haha..when i was eating,there was a couple and the guy was so cute and sweet!!i don get to see the lady but she is so lucky to be with that guy!that’s for sure!hik7 =p
i’m done with my story of visiting kl…hmmm…i went out juz now and had my dinner at kfc,,it reminds me of tangkak..haha..when i was eating,there was a couple and the guy was so cute and sweet!!i don get to see the lady but she is so lucky to be with that guy!that’s for sure!hik7 =p
beloved buddies know it!
to all my buddies,they surely know that i’m super-duper happy rite now!!hahaha…portugal won their 2nd match last nite and ronaldo scored 1!my fingers were all cold during the match!i was like so nervous especially for the last 25 mins,,,i really want them to make it and yeah…they’re the 1st team to reach the quarter-finals of euro’08..yup2…i’m so damn proud of them…hik7 =p
hmmm…i’ll off to kl tomorrow,,to visit my sister…when my parents told me bout their plan,,i wasn’t really have hearts to follow them to kl,,,but it’s kinda dangerous to stay home wif just my troublesome sis alone..haha..apparently,my feelings have changed drastically coz now i’m counting minutes to reach there!what a weird inside of me…
now it’s already 4 mins past 12,,,so i’ll be 19 years old in just about 5 days to go…i’m not sure bout my wishes this time around,,but i just wanna be happy for the rest of my life!!happiness is something that is so hard to achieve these days…and of course,,it’s due to numerous reasons…therefore,i’m on efforts of seeking things that can make my life feel like a bed of roses…how wonderful!
boredom can easily bring me to death!huhu…it’s almost two months at home and the phrase "penantian suatu penyeksaan" does make a sense…hopefully my patience will be paid off-i want the offer letter to pursue my studies!!insyaallah…
hmmm…i’ll off to kl tomorrow,,to visit my sister…when my parents told me bout their plan,,i wasn’t really have hearts to follow them to kl,,,but it’s kinda dangerous to stay home wif just my troublesome sis alone..haha..apparently,my feelings have changed drastically coz now i’m counting minutes to reach there!what a weird inside of me…
now it’s already 4 mins past 12,,,so i’ll be 19 years old in just about 5 days to go…i’m not sure bout my wishes this time around,,but i just wanna be happy for the rest of my life!!happiness is something that is so hard to achieve these days…and of course,,it’s due to numerous reasons…therefore,i’m on efforts of seeking things that can make my life feel like a bed of roses…how wonderful!
boredom can easily bring me to death!huhu…it’s almost two months at home and the phrase "penantian suatu penyeksaan" does make a sense…hopefully my patience will be paid off-i want the offer letter to pursue my studies!!insyaallah…
first penning out!
this is my first entry in my fster blog:-
finally…i have a blog! it’s already 11 mins past 12 and i was trying to get a lil sleep juz now but my eyes are certainly stubborn to be opened wide…it has been almost 2 months since i last marked my footsteps at jmc or KOLEJ MATRIKULASI JOHOR..yup2..i really miss all that i had there…especially my roomates and the adopted ones-aimie,yani,pan,irena,datin…also my clsm8s-hayat 22…my clicks-salma,feefe,atim,b,azah…not to be left out,all my crushes…hik7 =p
i learned numerous things there…if only i can turn back time,,i would avoid doing stuff that i’m not supposed to do…but one thing that i’m very sure of-i learned my mistakes and consequences of them…although it’s so damn hard to accept reality and truths as well,,i have to be determined.
i’ve gone through lots of obtacles that have made me realize who are my truly friends and their true colours…problem enables you to open your heart to discover things that can’t seem to be seen by is when you need someone,the person is standing right beside you to lend you his/her hand,,helping you as much as he/she could..i’m not that good,as a friend,but one thing i’m sure of-i will never betraye or lie for my own goods…INSYAALLAH,i’ll always bear it in my mind…
another thing that i’ve learned is that it’s not that easy to forget someone you like,,and it’s not tough to like someone…you don’t need them to be superheroes,or to have blue eyes/sharp nose,or six-pack body,,etc…i guess all we need is compability to that person..of course the looks do give some credits…sometimes we like people for no reasons!that’ll be pretty sceptical,but some people have gone through that.undeniable.
although u may like "A" and think that "A" is the only human that can make you turn on,,it’s quite hard not to bother "B" that is characterising like a rebound guy/girl…you’ll never know what’s going to happen next!
to be continued…
finally…i have a blog! it’s already 11 mins past 12 and i was trying to get a lil sleep juz now but my eyes are certainly stubborn to be opened wide…it has been almost 2 months since i last marked my footsteps at jmc or KOLEJ MATRIKULASI JOHOR..yup2..i really miss all that i had there…especially my roomates and the adopted ones-aimie,yani,pan,irena,datin…also my clsm8s-hayat 22…my clicks-salma,feefe,atim,b,azah…not to be left out,all my crushes…hik7 =p
i learned numerous things there…if only i can turn back time,,i would avoid doing stuff that i’m not supposed to do…but one thing that i’m very sure of-i learned my mistakes and consequences of them…although it’s so damn hard to accept reality and truths as well,,i have to be determined.
i’ve gone through lots of obtacles that have made me realize who are my truly friends and their true colours…problem enables you to open your heart to discover things that can’t seem to be seen by is when you need someone,the person is standing right beside you to lend you his/her hand,,helping you as much as he/she could..i’m not that good,as a friend,but one thing i’m sure of-i will never betraye or lie for my own goods…INSYAALLAH,i’ll always bear it in my mind…
another thing that i’ve learned is that it’s not that easy to forget someone you like,,and it’s not tough to like someone…you don’t need them to be superheroes,or to have blue eyes/sharp nose,or six-pack body,,etc…i guess all we need is compability to that person..of course the looks do give some credits…sometimes we like people for no reasons!that’ll be pretty sceptical,but some people have gone through that.undeniable.
although u may like "A" and think that "A" is the only human that can make you turn on,,it’s quite hard not to bother "B" that is characterising like a rebound guy/girl…you’ll never know what’s going to happen next!
to be continued…
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