I've been watching Finale of Raja Lawak Season 5 (youtube) again and again. I dont have any favourites on that show, but I just love the chemistry between the MCs, Zizan and Johan. I just cant stop laughing, they're just ridiculously hilarious. ;)
Its 24th of March, the day Eqa was born 20 years ago. Happy Birthday kid. May Allah bless you with happiness, longevity and prosperity. Since u're in Aries horoscope, I found these for you. My future bro-in-law might be having one of these four zodiac since I only selected those with the most compatibility with an Arian. ;P
"They won’t bore each other because both love to talk. And they share a special compatibility, for Gemini is as restless and anxious to try new things as Aries is. There are no inhibitions on either side. Aries is initially attracted by this good looking, and socially amusing person but the Arian desire to dominate the person and the situation will quickly bring out the rebellious tendencies of Gemini that are always lurking just beneath the surface. Both minds mesh well; Aries is dynamic and intelligent, Gemini is versatile and ingenious. Aries is likely to be the leader sexually, and Gemini delights in thinking up variations to keep Aries’s interest at a peak. The signals are definitely go. As a partnership this duo could work out very well as the air sign is of the mental group, mechanically inclined, marketing, etc. combine this with the ability of Aries to interact with the public then you will have a good partnership in the making; throw in one of the earth signs to keep the finances well in order and you will be ’in business’."
"Aries’s boldness should intrigue shy, reserved Virgo for a time. Aires’s passions are impulsive and direct. Virgo’s sexuality is more enigmatic and takes time to be revealed. In other areas Aries is full of exciting new plans and ideas, and insists on being boss. Virgo is critical and fussy, and likes things to be done the way Virgo wants. Virgo disapproves of Aires’s extravagance; Bossy Aries will not take kindly to the criticisms of Virgo, even if they are well meant, as they will undermine the Arian sense of discovery and throw the Arian into a depression. They end up making war, not love. On the other hand if Aries and Virgo can develop mutual hobbies and habits they will have a common ground for basing a relationship on but without this type of sharing then their life together would become unbearable for each of them. A partnership between Aries and Virgo could work out very well with Virgos logical mind constantly calculating the best moves and the Arian willingness to work hard, as long as Aries is given free rein in the scope of his/her agreed upon responsibilities."
"Sagittarius is a perfect temperamental match for Aries. They are both active, spontaneous people who like socializing, have extravagant tastes in common, and enjoy the good life. For this reason there will probably be an instant attraction on the part of these two that could last a very long time, although Aries may doubt the Sagittarians ability to make a success of a long term commitment and in turn, Sagittarius could believe that Aries is ideal as long as Aries accepts the Sagittarians idea of freedom. Arguments can reach the boiling point. However, they have wonderful senses of humor and enjoy each other’s company. Being too much alike in moods and temperament will prevent these two from becoming good one on one business partners, but working on a team with other players in their key niches, you will find them as very good friends.
"Fire and water do not normally mix and that is why the Aries with Pisces love match could be a complex relationship. Aries will draw Pisces out of that shell, and in turn will be hypnotized by Pisces’ seductive and mysterious sexuality. Pisces will need the Arians strength and ability to comfort when Pisces is tired or disillusioned and just when Aries gets used to being depended on, Pisces will pull an about face and suddenly become independent and free spirited (but only for short periods!). The boldness and confidence of Aries plus Pisces’ intuitions and fantasies add up to an eventful union. Personality differences complement each other. Aries is self-assured and vivacious; Pisces is somewhat shy and easily led. Aries likes to be dominant, Pisces likes having someone to lean on. For a happy coupling this requires only a little more tact on Aries’s part. You could safely say that this is a match made in Heaven! This could make a good business partnership as the piscean, being the emotional water sign in the design group, could get along well with the fire sign in the inspirational (idea) group. Pisces will generally not mind if the Arian wants to be the boss."
This tips might help (really? haha). If one of the above statement is true, it is just a coincidence. Jodoh pertemuan kan di tangan Tuhan, kita berusaha & berdoa sajalah. ;)
Shafuraa Onn. 240311. 0325. UKM Bangi.