Usah tertipu dengan tajuk Bahasa Inggeris di atas kerana buat julung-julung kalinya, saya akan memblog dalam Bahasa Melayu indah.
Saya telah membuat keputusan untuk mewar-warkan kelemahan saya selama saya hidup hampir 21 tahun. Antaranya ialah:
a) Saya masih tidak reti menyelesaikan masalah pembezaan matematik dan juga kamirannya.
b) Saya tidak boleh memakan buah jambu batu, bukan kerana alahan, tetapi memang tidak tergigit oleh gigi mahupun tertelan dek tekak.
c) Saya tidak menyukai sos/ sambal dan sifat-sifatnya.
d) Saya sukar mengingati sistem peredaran darah walaupun sudah hampir 10 kali mempelajarinya, sejak zaman sekolah menengah, matrikulasi dan universiti.
e) Saya tidak memakan ulam-ulaman dan banyak lagi sayuran yang lain.
f) Kepelbagaian biologi adalah antara topik bio yang paling susah buat saya untuk menghafalnya.
g) Saya amat tidak menyukai subjek fizik dan geografi, dan hal ini menyebabkan saya sukar mempelajari kedua-duanya.
h) Saya boleh memaafkan kesalahan orang lain tetapi amat sukar melupakan perbuatan mereka.
i) Saya boros.
j) Saya rasa kurang selesa bertudung putih.
k) Saya kurang arif mengenai matematik tambahan.
l) Saya tidak boleh membaca akhbar/majalah ketika berada di dalam kenderaan yang sedang bergerak. Jika saya melakukan sedemikian, saya akan berasa pening dan mungkin juga muntah.
m) Saya suka pada kopi dan terbitannya.
n) Saya tidak tahan makanan yang pedas.
o) Selalunya, saya hanya membaca ruangan gossip dan sukan pada akhbar.
p) Saya mudah mendapat flu dan ulser pada mulut. Kekurangan air dalam badan barangkali.
q) Saya mudah berasa sejuk dan saya tidak berapa suka pada kawasan yang berhawa dingin.
r) Saya takut pada lipas.
s) Saya berasa gerun untuk memandu semula selepas hampir 4 tahun tidak memegang stereng.
t) Saya tidak menyukai soya dan keju yang bukan berada di dalam makanan.
u) Saya suka memerhatikan orang lain. Jadi, AWAS kalian. haha ;P
Kelemahan-kelemahan inilah yang membezakan kita antara manusia. Oleh itu, saya tetap bersyukur dengan apa yang dianugerahkan olehNya.
yang benar,
shafura onn.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
fieldwork. again??

---> crime: fieldwork in mersing, johor
for sure u guys know what i'll be shitting about in this post. tomorrow, no, another about 7 hrs, i'll be going to hutan..., u guys arent reading any wrong, yes, its hutan i'm going to for my hmmm, not sure, 3rd or 4th fieldwork. bosan weyh! seriously! its not just because its a FIELDWORK, meaning that we'll all be tanning our fair skin under the trees in the forest (sometimes we do feel like filming the episodes of LOST), but also due to the fact that its still a holiday for the rest of students in all over Malaysia (exception for those who give votes on hiking or camping or whatever). yeah, i know some people do hope they can go somewhere out of campus during learning years, but come on, its a holiday. and since this term is a short one, we all NEED our days off. its a NECESSITY, ok? it'd be extremely awesome if i can enjoy my days in front of the home tv, on a couch, with chips and chocs all around my fingers.
anyhow, despite being trashed from my old fieldwork group (lecturer punye keje), i do personally hope for success in every task i'll be asking for. and also, since we'll all be camping, meaning that we'll all be occupied in small tents, i pray for my safetiness in the sense that no legs on my face or body during sleeping time. ;P

---> crime: fieldwork in tasik chini, pahang
shafura onn.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
into celebs
Due to too many celebrities exposures which resulted from nowadays techno world, I end up crushing on some on-the-main-stream entertainment people. I find them perfect ( only from naked eyes ) coz they must hv some flaws, dont they?
1. the ultimate crush- it has been 4 yrs of liking him, and the counting hasnt reached the end yet.

2. recent indulgement- current addiction which has succeeded in making me stay in front of the lappy for almost straight 11hrs.

3. i'm not being bias ( only to like mars creatures above ) or lesbian ( to love those at the remaining page of my post ). its just that i find them exquisite and gorgeous as they prove women are from venus. :P
i dont quite remember how i discovered her from the industry, but i was so blown away with her quintessential beauty the next minute of looking at her images.

i started admiring her via the series of onetreehill, in which she played brooke davis. she was and is getting even hotter, even after she got divorced from chad michael murray for only 5 months of marriage.

this fellow. i know she's quite something, frankly speaking, naughty. but at least, she's being herself. i dont care how many times people see her for court cases or how many scandals she possessed. wouldnt it be good to hv choices? haha ;P

no, its not what u're thinking. i'm not going to be an actress or a footballer or even a singer. to love doesnt mean to do. coz we cant do what we love all the time.
one left, i do gv my vote for HEIDI KLUM. ok. mls da nk letak gmbr and craps. tak tak. i dont wanna be a model. x deserve. haha ;P
celebs fan,
shafura onn.
1. the ultimate crush- it has been 4 yrs of liking him, and the counting hasnt reached the end yet.

2. recent indulgement- current addiction which has succeeded in making me stay in front of the lappy for almost straight 11hrs.

3. i'm not being bias ( only to like mars creatures above ) or lesbian ( to love those at the remaining page of my post ). its just that i find them exquisite and gorgeous as they prove women are from venus. :P
i dont quite remember how i discovered her from the industry, but i was so blown away with her quintessential beauty the next minute of looking at her images.

i started admiring her via the series of onetreehill, in which she played brooke davis. she was and is getting even hotter, even after she got divorced from chad michael murray for only 5 months of marriage.

this fellow. i know she's quite something, frankly speaking, naughty. but at least, she's being herself. i dont care how many times people see her for court cases or how many scandals she possessed. wouldnt it be good to hv choices? haha ;P

no, its not what u're thinking. i'm not going to be an actress or a footballer or even a singer. to love doesnt mean to do. coz we cant do what we love all the time.
one left, i do gv my vote for HEIDI KLUM. ok. mls da nk letak gmbr and craps. tak tak. i dont wanna be a model. x deserve. haha ;P
celebs fan,
shafura onn.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
i cant think what the title shud be
i once asked my buddy," how did u manage to make ur own wake-up call without being pushed by others? u urself did it. i mean how could u be so sure about terminating ur relationship with ur bf (now ex-bf) though u know it aint gonna be easy as abc as it has been a year plus companion? ". she answered, " i remembered every single hurt he made to me. there's never been give and take, and i was the one who gave in all the time. i got tired and there's a limit to everything. it was when i couldnt take it any longer. thats it. thats really it. i called our relationship a day ever since then."
conveying the same message as the above situation, BOF ( i'm not promoting it just because i've been hypnotized by KHJ ), gives me a similar lesson which goes this way - one thing i ought to do by now, is to exactly know what i really want/say out of something or to fight for my needs for instance, a relationship ( whether to choose friends or partner ). or how to ignore destructive unnecessary comments from people i hate. it'd be good too if i can straight away smash those culprits with harsh words.
for the time being, i'm on efforts to avoid from indulging myself towards no-nonsense stuff. instead of being a risk-taker, i prefer not to give a shot on uncertain things. i know there's always a sunshine in every fall, but its a real pleasure to be able to be in my own comfort zone cause i'll never know when it'll be ended. instead of being a problem-seeker just to satisfy own's curiosity and some people say, necessity, it'd be awesome if i left the future to Him. of course He knows the best in every creature He created. thats what i'm gonna do now - FTF.
FTF stands for followtheflow.
future better person,
shafura onn.
conveying the same message as the above situation, BOF ( i'm not promoting it just because i've been hypnotized by KHJ ), gives me a similar lesson which goes this way - one thing i ought to do by now, is to exactly know what i really want/say out of something or to fight for my needs for instance, a relationship ( whether to choose friends or partner ). or how to ignore destructive unnecessary comments from people i hate. it'd be good too if i can straight away smash those culprits with harsh words.
for the time being, i'm on efforts to avoid from indulging myself towards no-nonsense stuff. instead of being a risk-taker, i prefer not to give a shot on uncertain things. i know there's always a sunshine in every fall, but its a real pleasure to be able to be in my own comfort zone cause i'll never know when it'll be ended. instead of being a problem-seeker just to satisfy own's curiosity and some people say, necessity, it'd be awesome if i left the future to Him. of course He knows the best in every creature He created. thats what i'm gonna do now - FTF.
FTF stands for followtheflow.
future better person,
shafura onn.
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