I’m still learning to really understand myself- how I’d react to conditions and situations, how I’d manipulate things, how I’d define problems, causes and consequences…u know, stuff like that. The more I try, the more complicated a thing sometimes be. And most of the time, u just cant figure matters out when they popped in seconds. You would be wishing…if only I did that, if only it turned out to be slightly better, if only this and that. And all u need is time to get things down to the roots and it is when you really believe that u subjected to life. Not the other way round.
As for myself, several times I realised that I overanalysed things. A simple one would turn out messy, and a big one would become a headache. And to be worst, I always drive a matter to my pathway of negative thoughts. Until someone wakes me up. And most of the time too, I just need maybe 10 mins to get myself back to neutral, no more or less, having positive thinking back on track. There are like some arguments running inside of me, emotionally, physically and what not. And if that’s the way of me understanding myself, I couldn’t be more grateful. Coz if that’s what God has created for me, I know its for the best in me as His servant.
I cant successfully describe what type of person I am, though I’ve lived for already 2 decades now. Coz for the last couple of yrs, I was alarmed if I couldn’t stand a person for a long time. This never happens on best buddies (as for now) but occasionally, this happens on friends. Initially, everything is so damn good- we do things together, we laugh, we ride on bikes, we share stories and problems…we do things that friends would do together. But after some time, I’d find myself suffocated with him/her. Stuff that we enjoyed doing has become a boring one and what I’d do is to avoid that person. I’m pretty well aware that he/she isn’t at any fault, but I’m very much suffocated with everything. As far as I can remember, there’re 4 persons I feel guilty on. I just need some time off. That’s all. I wouldn’t call our friendship a day coz u guys have been so helpful to me. Really.
Maybe, I’m a type of God’s creature that needs challenges in relationships. Maybe I cant stand something that is alright all day long. I need ups and downs (but I prefer ups more frequent) getting to know someone so that I always have new chapter to learn about that particular person. I rarely can stand having no tongue-tied or quarrels in a relationship. Coz when everything seems ok from our naked eyes as we intended to hide real feelings of matters just to get along well with a person, we are actually lying to ourselves and sooner or later, a boredom would definitely strike.
I have always believed that doubting people is a part of trying to know them and trust is actually giving up on trying to understand other. That’s the reason why I don’t fully trust a person coz behind every lies and secrets, there’s always something to learn about, regardless of who’s wrong. It is the time when u add knowledge about yourself and others. It is when you define things in life. It is when you actually grow up upon time.
shafura onn
Monday, December 7, 2009
Awesome Aussie !
It has been nearly a month since Lala’s solemnization as well as wedding and couple of days since my trip to Sydney and Perth, Australia. Both were really fun and awesome and incredible! There’s no word that can really describe the entire situation of those two memorable events of the year for my family.
We took a flight from Singapore and headed to Perth. We arrived there at almost 1 in the morning and the shops in the airport were still closed (the shops will close and open as early as 5pm and 3am). But luckily they have free internet surfing there so I decided to check my emails as well as facebook. At about 5, we boarded to Sydney and the journey took about 4 hours. Can u imagine how big Australia is? Going from a state to another state by flight needs 4 hours. My math isn’t that good to calculate total hours needed for a whole country visit. :P
Though the holidays in aussie just took a few days, not even a week, but the experience is terrific! The Australians are very friendly (even the butcher says hi to me) and the weather is cold (tho now is summer) coz the wind blows way too strong. But its humidity is quite low (we had dry lips there). We found several halal restaurants as we stayed in Randwick . It is such a beautiful outstanding city where u can easily find eye-shoring beaches just near the walking roads.
The beaches are hardly describable. The water is so green and some of the beaches blue, and the sandy part which may be called intertidal zone of the sea is so great! There’s no rubbish or whatsoever lying on the sand or grass on land. U can hardly see even a plastic bag being swept away by the winds or waves. Not at all. Summer enables people in there to go surfing though the waves are pretty strong (now I believe what they show on tv and movies). We enjoyed looking at how they spend their time on sports. Even a pregnant woman goes swimming. Men would be shirtless regardless of whether they’re walking or cycling, and both genders prefer to be on ground bare-footed as many houses located nearby and they are extremely big, just like the sum of money needed to buy them. The houses can reach up to AU$ 6 MILL DOLLARS! (to convert to Malaysian ringgit, pls times 3.19)
And regardless of time, Australians do jog anywhere anytime they want. I once witnessed a woman jogging while pushing a stroller with a baby in it. I bet Gisele Bundchen would have green eyes looking at the woman’s body. Haha :P
Another thing that differs them from us is they prefer walking instead of to be on wheels. They even walk at night as if their country is very safe that they hardly find a pickpocket or beg-snatcher and thieves. U can see fearless faces of the people. And I didn’t get to see people drunk on streets. Maybe they just get drunk in bars. :P
We had our time shopping at Paddy’s market purchasing cheaper things compared to other stores. Therefore, there were sooo many people loitering around and u can easily get lost coz the place is very enormous. We also visited Sydney Wildlife World to see all types of aquatic animals ranging from sharks to crustaceans, and wildlife creatures like alligators, kangaroos and koalas (the koalas are very lazy and they enjoy sleeping on trees no matter how many people staring and teasing them). The place also provides the most dangerous species of spiders and snakes and these experiences are very useful to me as I’m a future biologist (Insyaallah) coz I get to see them with my naked eyes. How wonderful. :D
We went to Queen Victoria’s Building (shopping mall) as well as the streets nearby. We also marked our footsteps on The Rocks, Sydney Harbour and the landmark of Australia, a bridge called…(I forget the name of it). Haha :D
Australia is an awesome country and I’m very grateful to be able to witness other different creatures of Allah. But my love still goes to my first-greeted origin, Malaysia. It is true that people say “ there’s no place like home “. And I’m grateful too to be Malaysian.
shafura onn
We took a flight from Singapore and headed to Perth. We arrived there at almost 1 in the morning and the shops in the airport were still closed (the shops will close and open as early as 5pm and 3am). But luckily they have free internet surfing there so I decided to check my emails as well as facebook. At about 5, we boarded to Sydney and the journey took about 4 hours. Can u imagine how big Australia is? Going from a state to another state by flight needs 4 hours. My math isn’t that good to calculate total hours needed for a whole country visit. :P
Though the holidays in aussie just took a few days, not even a week, but the experience is terrific! The Australians are very friendly (even the butcher says hi to me) and the weather is cold (tho now is summer) coz the wind blows way too strong. But its humidity is quite low (we had dry lips there). We found several halal restaurants as we stayed in Randwick . It is such a beautiful outstanding city where u can easily find eye-shoring beaches just near the walking roads.
The beaches are hardly describable. The water is so green and some of the beaches blue, and the sandy part which may be called intertidal zone of the sea is so great! There’s no rubbish or whatsoever lying on the sand or grass on land. U can hardly see even a plastic bag being swept away by the winds or waves. Not at all. Summer enables people in there to go surfing though the waves are pretty strong (now I believe what they show on tv and movies). We enjoyed looking at how they spend their time on sports. Even a pregnant woman goes swimming. Men would be shirtless regardless of whether they’re walking or cycling, and both genders prefer to be on ground bare-footed as many houses located nearby and they are extremely big, just like the sum of money needed to buy them. The houses can reach up to AU$ 6 MILL DOLLARS! (to convert to Malaysian ringgit, pls times 3.19)
And regardless of time, Australians do jog anywhere anytime they want. I once witnessed a woman jogging while pushing a stroller with a baby in it. I bet Gisele Bundchen would have green eyes looking at the woman’s body. Haha :P
Another thing that differs them from us is they prefer walking instead of to be on wheels. They even walk at night as if their country is very safe that they hardly find a pickpocket or beg-snatcher and thieves. U can see fearless faces of the people. And I didn’t get to see people drunk on streets. Maybe they just get drunk in bars. :P
We had our time shopping at Paddy’s market purchasing cheaper things compared to other stores. Therefore, there were sooo many people loitering around and u can easily get lost coz the place is very enormous. We also visited Sydney Wildlife World to see all types of aquatic animals ranging from sharks to crustaceans, and wildlife creatures like alligators, kangaroos and koalas (the koalas are very lazy and they enjoy sleeping on trees no matter how many people staring and teasing them). The place also provides the most dangerous species of spiders and snakes and these experiences are very useful to me as I’m a future biologist (Insyaallah) coz I get to see them with my naked eyes. How wonderful. :D
We went to Queen Victoria’s Building (shopping mall) as well as the streets nearby. We also marked our footsteps on The Rocks, Sydney Harbour and the landmark of Australia, a bridge called…(I forget the name of it). Haha :D
Australia is an awesome country and I’m very grateful to be able to witness other different creatures of Allah. But my love still goes to my first-greeted origin, Malaysia. It is true that people say “ there’s no place like home “. And I’m grateful too to be Malaysian.
shafura onn
Sunday, November 1, 2009
when pictures speak
Internet is kinda sucks lately that makes me cnt help from looking back to almost all my pics in the lappy. The ones that grabbed my attention a whole heck of a lot were those taken in matrix. I didn’t realise how much I miss hvg real good moments back then until those photographs alarmed me how wonderful it was. I really miss all that I had there, ranging from friendships, food, lectures, u name it. Though it was sort of rural area that promised me not more than kfc and Watson, but no one can ever describe the exact scenery of that place. Everything wasn’t perfect too, but we enjoyed those imperfections. If not, where would the fun be in that?
Matrix was the one that changed my entire perspectives towards the pros and cons of camping. It actually exposes you to numbers of knowledge and experience, not just the exhausting part which the only thing I was certain of before. Yeah. I’m not kinda girl who loves the sweating part of outdoor stuff- jungle trekking, rock climbing and what not. But that doesn’t mean I adore doing household chores like cleaning and cooking too. Just don’t see me as someone who only likes shopping and spending, coz I do like hunting. Food hunting. :p
Buddies were the only company I had in there. They were my everything. There’s no such thing as “gth with him/ her” or “its up to them if they don’t wanna come to lectures”. Coz everyone was so good and caring that a person can really rely on. And it was like “ ur probs are mine too. Lets hv a talk.” ( but there’s no such thing like “ur bf is mine too, or else we’d hv a fight in the ladies.”) Haha. :p
Now everything’s gone, no, actually finished and I’m already in my 2nd yr of degree. But things are still fresh in my mind and I’d probably remember them for the rest of my life, no, teenage life would be more convincing. Haha :p
My eyes shud be on notes now as I hv 5 papers to go for final exam. Fellow comrades, put ur hearts out when answering the questions eh. :D
• Selamat maju jaya
• All the best
• Hao Yun
• Valthukaal
One Malaysia. United we stand, divided we fall.
Shafura onn.
Matrix was the one that changed my entire perspectives towards the pros and cons of camping. It actually exposes you to numbers of knowledge and experience, not just the exhausting part which the only thing I was certain of before. Yeah. I’m not kinda girl who loves the sweating part of outdoor stuff- jungle trekking, rock climbing and what not. But that doesn’t mean I adore doing household chores like cleaning and cooking too. Just don’t see me as someone who only likes shopping and spending, coz I do like hunting. Food hunting. :p
Buddies were the only company I had in there. They were my everything. There’s no such thing as “gth with him/ her” or “its up to them if they don’t wanna come to lectures”. Coz everyone was so good and caring that a person can really rely on. And it was like “ ur probs are mine too. Lets hv a talk.” ( but there’s no such thing like “ur bf is mine too, or else we’d hv a fight in the ladies.”) Haha. :p
Now everything’s gone, no, actually finished and I’m already in my 2nd yr of degree. But things are still fresh in my mind and I’d probably remember them for the rest of my life, no, teenage life would be more convincing. Haha :p
My eyes shud be on notes now as I hv 5 papers to go for final exam. Fellow comrades, put ur hearts out when answering the questions eh. :D
• Selamat maju jaya
• All the best
• Hao Yun
• Valthukaal
One Malaysia. United we stand, divided we fall.
Shafura onn.
Friday, October 30, 2009
it is 2.38am and apparently surprising, i couldnt sleep even after i tried to. so after a very deep thinking, here's the outcome:
I personally prefer a guy who…
1. is comfortably wearing shorts and looking good in Baju Melayu.
2. loves Aerosmith but at the same time, adores Taylor Swift.
3. looks smart in spectacles and admirable when he’s not.
4. rarely puts on hair gel.
5. appears well in Mohican as well as side-swept hairstyles.
6. is brilliant but sengal too at some times.
7. looks cute in shades.
8. enjoys going nuts during exam time.
9. is charming in t-shirt as well as blazers.
10. wears slippers and sneakers perfectly.
11. bolds enough to wear bright red and striking yellow tops.
12. loses himself in washed-out lose jeans.
13. is taller and slender than me. haha :p
14. takes a real good care of himself, his things, and his relationships.
shafura onn.
I personally prefer a guy who…
1. is comfortably wearing shorts and looking good in Baju Melayu.
2. loves Aerosmith but at the same time, adores Taylor Swift.
3. looks smart in spectacles and admirable when he’s not.
4. rarely puts on hair gel.
5. appears well in Mohican as well as side-swept hairstyles.
6. is brilliant but sengal too at some times.
7. looks cute in shades.
8. enjoys going nuts during exam time.
9. is charming in t-shirt as well as blazers.
10. wears slippers and sneakers perfectly.
11. bolds enough to wear bright red and striking yellow tops.
12. loses himself in washed-out lose jeans.
13. is taller and slender than me. haha :p
14. takes a real good care of himself, his things, and his relationships.
shafura onn.
forever sis
it has been couples of weeks since i last posted something here. life is still good, same like it was back then. it is a week to go for my sister's wedding and i bet my parents are so very nervous. thats not to mention the exact feeling of my sis. i'm pretty excited about it, though her marriage might tear apart our closeness a bit. thats fine coz i know someone will always take a real good care of her and cheer her up. someone that has never tired in understanding her, consoling her, advising her, accompanying her. someone that completes my sister. someone that is my sis's another half.
i will definitely miss our sisters time together. jalan-jalan, shopping, fitting, laughing, etc. u hv been such an awesome buddy to me n eqa. lala, i do hope and pray for the best of u & hairie. may u guys be blessed wif happiness in life here and after. :)

* our kids time wif toknah.
* red-shirt girl: lala
* from left sitting on floor: me, eqa.
* that lil baby is our cousin, hasiff.
shafura onn.
i will definitely miss our sisters time together. jalan-jalan, shopping, fitting, laughing, etc. u hv been such an awesome buddy to me n eqa. lala, i do hope and pray for the best of u & hairie. may u guys be blessed wif happiness in life here and after. :)

* our kids time wif toknah.
* red-shirt girl: lala
* from left sitting on floor: me, eqa.
* that lil baby is our cousin, hasiff.
shafura onn.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
can u stop being sarcastic over people??
i've recently found a person who was being sooo damn irritating and annoying and i really dont get the reasons lying behind his behaviours. if u cant afford to put the make ups on, stop criticising those who can (u know they do well and jealousy is all over u). if u cant get the attention like others do, dont ever try to be a seeker coz it shows that u're totally a loser. if u're unable to crack up some jokes, juz laugh to those who are capable at making people losing their jaws to the ground. plz dont ever pretend to be a person u're not capable to and the most important thing, LOOK DEEPLY INTO YOURSELF BEFORE U EVEN THINK TO BITCH BOUT OTHERS. coz u'd probably show how stupid you are when u spitted bad words to others while you yourself are still FULL of IMPERFECTIONS. u cant even hide or shadow them. not a single one.
yep. i'm losing my grip due to anger. he blew my top and yes, i was pissed off. i'm still now. to H, dont let me bump into u. coz u might get urself bald with some cuts & bruises on ur head. u'd even think of transferring to other universities. or faculties maybe. yes, u guys are not reading any wrong, i'm a bit rebellious when it comes to ketidakpuasan hati. coz there's only a slight distinction btwn my moods. meaning that if i dont get u mad, dont ever make me be one afterwards.
red devil,
shafura onn
yep. i'm losing my grip due to anger. he blew my top and yes, i was pissed off. i'm still now. to H, dont let me bump into u. coz u might get urself bald with some cuts & bruises on ur head. u'd even think of transferring to other universities. or faculties maybe. yes, u guys are not reading any wrong, i'm a bit rebellious when it comes to ketidakpuasan hati. coz there's only a slight distinction btwn my moods. meaning that if i dont get u mad, dont ever make me be one afterwards.
red devil,
shafura onn
Friday, September 18, 2009
EID 2009
ok. i poured another lie again. it wasnt a direct lie actually bt its wasnt a truth too. its something that needed a real sincerety and i couldnt do it, obviously. the situation was very2 hard and if u say A, that person is gonna be badly hurt. and if u say Z, he's not gonna be pleasant as well. so its either one and i didnt hv any choices.i'm sorry if i've ever told u things i wasnt intended to. to this person, i'm apologizing from the folicle of my hair to the edge of my nails. i'm really very sorry.
its saturday, meaning that EID is about 22 and a half hours to go. and i'm currenly waiting for the arrival of my sis, lala. she departed from kl at 12am just now, and most probably, she'll be here at 3 plus o'clock. cepatla sampai makcik! :p
since syawal is about to come, i'm shafuraa bt. onn would like to seek forgiveness from the very bottom of my heart to everyone I KNOW and may hari raya this yr gv blessings,happiness as well as joys to u guys out there. hv a wonderful balik kampung trip and plz drive safely. dont ever take ur wheels on the emergency lane for whatever reason (other than serious ones of course). and do fasten ur seatbelt coz the cops are waiting in front of the traffic light. :p
till we meet again in the next life. haha :D
shafura onn.
its saturday, meaning that EID is about 22 and a half hours to go. and i'm currenly waiting for the arrival of my sis, lala. she departed from kl at 12am just now, and most probably, she'll be here at 3 plus o'clock. cepatla sampai makcik! :p
since syawal is about to come, i'm shafuraa bt. onn would like to seek forgiveness from the very bottom of my heart to everyone I KNOW and may hari raya this yr gv blessings,happiness as well as joys to u guys out there. hv a wonderful balik kampung trip and plz drive safely. dont ever take ur wheels on the emergency lane for whatever reason (other than serious ones of course). and do fasten ur seatbelt coz the cops are waiting in front of the traffic light. :p
till we meet again in the next life. haha :D
shafura onn.
Monday, September 7, 2009
i'm sooo very ecstatic! :D
i went to mid again,yesterday as lala planned to do some shoppings for raya. but hairie got a crucial thing to do earlier so both of them arrived about one hour late. while waiting for them, i did some walking left to right,back to forth to almost every shops. there were sooo many people and obviously women were like hvg gathering everywhere, u just name it. i was smiling when looking at gentlemens waiting outside the shops, hvg a type of face which was pretty like saying this- " please god, hope the shoes fit this time coz my legs are detaching from my upper part of bods." haha :p
after craving for a long period of time, i finally bought a pair of boots! yey! i've bn looking for it for like 1 plus months and those i found earlier were like 4++ and 3++ (there were nine west and hush puppies anyway) and if i were to buy one, i'd hv to starve for the remaining days of month. and mayb u guys would see me losing some lipids too. :p but after a long eyeing + waiting which have challenged my patience (hehe), i think these boots are worth paying for.

arent they gorgeous? heee :p
ok. now lets proceed to the next not-less-ecstatic stuff which i had on the very same day.
crime: break-fasting time
venue: Tony Roma's,midvalley

my delicacies:

---> shrimp scampi pasta

---> Bahama mama
both were damn good and delicious! ok. my stomach is playing a song rite now. haha maghrib is a bout 75 mins to go. *sigh*
gtg. hvnt read anything for my bio invert exam tomorrow. c u guys next time. peace!
p/s: thanx lala n hairie for a great break-fasting time! :D
shafura onn.
after craving for a long period of time, i finally bought a pair of boots! yey! i've bn looking for it for like 1 plus months and those i found earlier were like 4++ and 3++ (there were nine west and hush puppies anyway) and if i were to buy one, i'd hv to starve for the remaining days of month. and mayb u guys would see me losing some lipids too. :p but after a long eyeing + waiting which have challenged my patience (hehe), i think these boots are worth paying for.
arent they gorgeous? heee :p
ok. now lets proceed to the next not-less-ecstatic stuff which i had on the very same day.
crime: break-fasting time
venue: Tony Roma's,midvalley

my delicacies:

---> shrimp scampi pasta

---> Bahama mama
both were damn good and delicious! ok. my stomach is playing a song rite now. haha maghrib is a bout 75 mins to go. *sigh*
gtg. hvnt read anything for my bio invert exam tomorrow. c u guys next time. peace!
p/s: thanx lala n hairie for a great break-fasting time! :D
shafura onn.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
pubby crew in memoirs
ok. i'm super-duper aware that blog is supposed to be updated. bt frankly speaking, my life seems to be very damn bz, i bet it is much more busier than najib's or zeti aziz's (they hv so-called secretary and assistants). fyi, i've bn indulged in numbers of activities for the past couple of months and the one that has consumed soooo much of my valuable time + energy + sacrifices was pestakonvo. i was in publicity crew since the start of short sem last may. during perkampungan- the term given for a period of time used for all the preparations needed in those events that are listed in pestakonvo, i left my room at 8am and came back at 3am. at the edge of pestakonvo which was held on 12-18th aug 09, i cud only sleep at about 5am. i was restless and the exhausting part was undescribable. starting from banner painting to the hanging of banting and also looking for reporters whom i didnt even know how they looked like, all these hv left marks in my journey here in UKM. i can hardly forget those experiences, both good and bad.
but one thing for sure, my pubby crew was indeed an awesome one! zu,tika,paan,amer,jo,ain,arifah,farah and zati. thank u so very much for making a better version of my days. and sorry if i've ever made wrongdoings to any of u. :)
pubby crew in memories:-

---> we both look fine n gd together rite? hehe :p
thats all for now. i cnt spend my day typing shit over here. :P
shafura onn.
but one thing for sure, my pubby crew was indeed an awesome one! zu,tika,paan,amer,jo,ain,arifah,farah and zati. thank u so very much for making a better version of my days. and sorry if i've ever made wrongdoings to any of u. :)
pubby crew in memories:-

---> we both look fine n gd together rite? hehe :p
thats all for now. i cnt spend my day typing shit over here. :P
shafura onn.
Monday, August 3, 2009
tasik chini in memory
i was off to tasik chini last weekend for my course fieldwork. so many things to get done in time and it was indeed a memorable experience to hv a second visit to pahang. from abundance of tasks, the one that i enjoyed the most was a trip to the lake itself as I was able to be in a boat for the very 1st time in my life. though it was damn scary (the boat wasnt like the one in titanic, it was small n unstable) the few minutes my legs reached its base, the situation gradually changed when boat conductor started our journey. here are the crimes of the events as whole.

shafura onn.

shafura onn.
Monday, July 6, 2009
when boredom strikes
1.Have your friends ever randomly stopped by your house?
# havent.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
# my housemate.
Did you sleep in past noon today?
# nope,,juz got back from alamanda.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
# countless!
How many different colors are you wearing right now?
# more than 5.
If you could have something back right now, what would it be?
# time.
When is the last time you cried?
# couldnt recall.
Has a girl put their arm around you the past five days?
# yep. i guess so.
How is the weather right now?
# hot! but windy~
Is anything annoying you right now?
# lotsa stuff!
Does anyone call you babe?
# gfs.
Is this year the best year of your life?
# still unpredicted. bt the bestest bday ever.
Are you trying to avoid liking/loving somebody at the moment?
# yep.
What are you doing besides this?
# texting someone.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
# get my bag back. then go to the office, ask for college tshirt.
What was the first thing that you did this morning?
# get the blanket folded.
If your friends warn you about someone, do you listen?
# sometimes.
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
# nope. hati kecik. haha
Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life?
# some.
Are you keeping a big secret right now?
# not really.
Would you date someone twenty years older than you?
# cant imagine!
Do you miss your past?
# a lot!
Are you listening to music right now?
# nope.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
# yes.
Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
# yep kot.
Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
# 50-50.
Have you made any new regrets this year?
# regrets come all over every yr.
When was the last time you had a headache?
# yesterday.
Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
# bella.
Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
# byk sgt! haha
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
# nothing.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
# 5++.
Do you know anyone who has been arrested?
# kenal gtu2 je ade r~
Are you generally a happy person?
# kind of.
Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?
# yup2.
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
# yes.
When did you last receive money?
# last 2 days.
Do you want to see somebody right now?
# him.
Is there someone you will never forget?
# for sure!
What are your plans for the weekend?
# bestnye klau dpt g pd~
When was the last time you were sick?
# few weeks ago.
Who is the first person on your friends' list?
# one of my gfs.
Do you get drunk every weekend?
# never!
# havent.
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
# my housemate.
Did you sleep in past noon today?
# nope,,juz got back from alamanda.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
# countless!
How many different colors are you wearing right now?
# more than 5.
If you could have something back right now, what would it be?
# time.
When is the last time you cried?
# couldnt recall.
Has a girl put their arm around you the past five days?
# yep. i guess so.
How is the weather right now?
# hot! but windy~
Is anything annoying you right now?
# lotsa stuff!
Does anyone call you babe?
# gfs.
Is this year the best year of your life?
# still unpredicted. bt the bestest bday ever.
Are you trying to avoid liking/loving somebody at the moment?
# yep.
What are you doing besides this?
# texting someone.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
# get my bag back. then go to the office, ask for college tshirt.
What was the first thing that you did this morning?
# get the blanket folded.
If your friends warn you about someone, do you listen?
# sometimes.
Does it take a lot to make you cry?
# nope. hati kecik. haha
Are you satisfied with what you currently have in life?
# some.
Are you keeping a big secret right now?
# not really.
Would you date someone twenty years older than you?
# cant imagine!
Do you miss your past?
# a lot!
Are you listening to music right now?
# nope.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
# yes.
Is there any emotion you're trying to avoid right now?
# yep kot.
Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
# 50-50.
Have you made any new regrets this year?
# regrets come all over every yr.
When was the last time you had a headache?
# yesterday.
Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
# bella.
Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
# byk sgt! haha
What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
# nothing.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
# 5++.
Do you know anyone who has been arrested?
# kenal gtu2 je ade r~
Are you generally a happy person?
# kind of.
Have you ever fallen asleep while texting someone?
# yup2.
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
# yes.
When did you last receive money?
# last 2 days.
Do you want to see somebody right now?
# him.
Is there someone you will never forget?
# for sure!
What are your plans for the weekend?
# bestnye klau dpt g pd~
When was the last time you were sick?
# few weeks ago.
Who is the first person on your friends' list?
# one of my gfs.
Do you get drunk every weekend?
# never!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
its 23 mins passed 1 in the morn and i couldnt sleep. i thought of hvg an early nap juz now but apparently, my mind is bz thinking something which resulted in again, imsomniac me. anyhow, lotsa things happened to me for the past 7 days and of course, not all were good nor bad.
good things:
1. my friend and i got back in gd terms wif each other after a quarrel, no, it was kinda misunderstanding about a month plus ago.
2. i had a conversation with my crush. *feeling heaven*
3. a friend of mine complimented me,,not really, he called me using a very sweet call.
4. received a slice of choc cheesecake for free, from bakery pusanika. thanx!
5. some people really boosted my confidence level up high! gracias!
6. zeti gv me a present! thanx a lot! :D
7. experienced a new thing- being a faci of pestakonvo. freshies nmpk nerd, in proper words, nmpk baek. biasela,mule2. wink!
bad things:
1. my new room is not so comfortable,,i mean the toilet.
2. my pimple recovers bt leaves a mark. damn!
3. juz entered 3rd sem, meaning that abundance stuff are waiting to be done. malas gle.
4. had a glance of thought about a very big bag in the stor. heavy gle! who wants to help me out carrying it plz raise up ur hands. ok,i dont see any hands. *sigh*
5. struggling to tell/explain something that requires real sincerety to someone. dont know how. blurr~
6. browsed thru some pics. miss an old time crush in an instance.haihhh
* conveying tribute to mj's family and fans. may him rest in peace. al-fatihah.
shafura onn.
good things:
1. my friend and i got back in gd terms wif each other after a quarrel, no, it was kinda misunderstanding about a month plus ago.
2. i had a conversation with my crush. *feeling heaven*
3. a friend of mine complimented me,,not really, he called me using a very sweet call.
4. received a slice of choc cheesecake for free, from bakery pusanika. thanx!
5. some people really boosted my confidence level up high! gracias!
6. zeti gv me a present! thanx a lot! :D
7. experienced a new thing- being a faci of pestakonvo. freshies nmpk nerd, in proper words, nmpk baek. biasela,mule2. wink!
bad things:
1. my new room is not so comfortable,,i mean the toilet.
2. my pimple recovers bt leaves a mark. damn!
3. juz entered 3rd sem, meaning that abundance stuff are waiting to be done. malas gle.
4. had a glance of thought about a very big bag in the stor. heavy gle! who wants to help me out carrying it plz raise up ur hands. ok,i dont see any hands. *sigh*
5. struggling to tell/explain something that requires real sincerety to someone. dont know how. blurr~
6. browsed thru some pics. miss an old time crush in an instance.haihhh
* conveying tribute to mj's family and fans. may him rest in peace. al-fatihah.
shafura onn.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
bday celebration!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
20th bday is awesome!
ok. i still hv 9 mins of my birth day. but wishes are non-stop! therefore, i'm hereby to say MUCAS GRACIAS aka THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for those bornday wishes and prayers! though it reminds me that there's no belas-belas tahun for me anymore, but frankly speaking, this is the bestest bday i've ever had! i had so much fun and joys during the day and those wishes are countless! i guess more than 300 people wished me orally! wuuuhuuu i'm ecstatic! and over the moon too!
to these beautiful people, ur kind-and-sweet-ness of wishing my day will never be forgotten.
loves : lala, eqa, fee, ainee, atim, ezny, salma & friends, irena, aza, yana, hanis, sue, yana (uo), zetty
buddies : tirah, zeti, zue, tiqa, capt, syamil, mike
friends :
* sopie, epul, syahmi, amer, paan, jo, ain, rifa, ekin, pan, aliff, datin
* family pesta 37
* those from fb, fs, tagged
* whoever who did wish me!
for those whom i've missed out, u guys earn my apology. anyhow, thanks again u all!
shafura onn.
to these beautiful people, ur kind-and-sweet-ness of wishing my day will never be forgotten.
loves : lala, eqa, fee, ainee, atim, ezny, salma & friends, irena, aza, yana, hanis, sue, yana (uo), zetty
buddies : tirah, zeti, zue, tiqa, capt, syamil, mike
friends :
* sopie, epul, syahmi, amer, paan, jo, ain, rifa, ekin, pan, aliff, datin
* family pesta 37
* those from fb, fs, tagged
* whoever who did wish me!
for those whom i've missed out, u guys earn my apology. anyhow, thanks again u all!
shafura onn.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
reality check!
i was in a train back to ukm from klcc when this thing happened. and since it was a weekend, i'm very much sure that u guys can imagine how sardine-like it was in that super slow comuter. i cudnt even raise my fingers up! *white lie*. hehe =p
i didnt remember where it was when two adults boarded in the train in the middle of disembarking people. but one thing i'm sure of, there were 4 kids with them. actually not 4, they're three wif a baby! i wudnt consider a baby as a kid. it was so crowded that made a sitted old man (A) raised one of the kids up and put him on his laps. how kind the man was.
now, it comes to my first reality check that i've never ever imagine for my 20 yrs of life. the mom of the kids touched a young man( he was bz sleeping and then awake) and said this " tolong dukung anak saya". dukung in this situation is putting her kid on that man's laps. feeling pity, that man (B) did the same thing as the old man's doing. i was speechless. i dont know bout other people but my mom wud never give us (myself and sisters) to strangers. i'm aware that the lady had to at the moment, but what if the strangers are HIV-AIDS positv or tuberculositic? how cud she be so careless of her own flesh and blood? thats what i think.
second reality check. the lady woke the man (C) who's sitting beside the young man up and said this " kaki awak saket x? klau x saya nk duduk . how wud in her state of mind saying those words?? the man gave up his seat. she sat down with her baby in hands. and looking at her crowded seat as she was seating with the 3 kids along, the young man(B) stood up and let the kids conquer his place.
now, third reality check that i bet nobody wif full sanity has ever had this in mind. not enuf of her earlier heart-shocking actions, the lady even breastfed her baby in no second she sat down! omg! i was standing in front of her and i cud feel my saliva stucked in my throat! that scene was........... i'm so very much clueless!
till now, i can feel myself at shock. it was a reality. but very back to basic, i see this from Islamic study whereby a woman is willing to do EVERYTHING for her children as the lady went that far for her kid's sake. no wonder there's a 'wahyu' saying this " SYURGA TERLETAK DI BAWAH TAPAK KAKI IBU ".
shafura onn.
i didnt remember where it was when two adults boarded in the train in the middle of disembarking people. but one thing i'm sure of, there were 4 kids with them. actually not 4, they're three wif a baby! i wudnt consider a baby as a kid. it was so crowded that made a sitted old man (A) raised one of the kids up and put him on his laps. how kind the man was.
now, it comes to my first reality check that i've never ever imagine for my 20 yrs of life. the mom of the kids touched a young man( he was bz sleeping and then awake) and said this " tolong dukung anak saya". dukung in this situation is putting her kid on that man's laps. feeling pity, that man (B) did the same thing as the old man's doing. i was speechless. i dont know bout other people but my mom wud never give us (myself and sisters) to strangers. i'm aware that the lady had to at the moment, but what if the strangers are HIV-AIDS positv or tuberculositic? how cud she be so careless of her own flesh and blood? thats what i think.
second reality check. the lady woke the man (C) who's sitting beside the young man up and said this " kaki awak saket x? klau x saya nk duduk . how wud in her state of mind saying those words?? the man gave up his seat. she sat down with her baby in hands. and looking at her crowded seat as she was seating with the 3 kids along, the young man(B) stood up and let the kids conquer his place.
now, third reality check that i bet nobody wif full sanity has ever had this in mind. not enuf of her earlier heart-shocking actions, the lady even breastfed her baby in no second she sat down! omg! i was standing in front of her and i cud feel my saliva stucked in my throat! that scene was........... i'm so very much clueless!
till now, i can feel myself at shock. it was a reality. but very back to basic, i see this from Islamic study whereby a woman is willing to do EVERYTHING for her children as the lady went that far for her kid's sake. no wonder there's a 'wahyu' saying this " SYURGA TERLETAK DI BAWAH TAPAK KAKI IBU ".
shafura onn.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
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